What does "to get nicked" mean?
25 feb 2011 20:32
Risposte · 6
In america, NICKED means to get a very small cut of the skin. In slang, it means to have to pay (for) something, (usually a small amount) that was somewhat unexpected and unappreciated.
25 febbraio 2011
Australians use this expression to mean "get lost" or "go away!"
26 febbraio 2011
Get nicked : exclamation of contempt; (used imperatively) piss off !
26 febbraio 2011
get nicked = get caught by a policeman and sent to jail in the nick = in prison He robbed his neighbour and got nicked.
26 febbraio 2011
can also mean to generally go away if someone says "Nick off" or "get nicked" in some slang forms of English.
25 febbraio 2011
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