Almost everyone around the world likes travelling. Travelling is a better way to understand the world than just reading books. The distances between our homes and the destinations are usually not short, so we need to choose a proper transportation to get there. a plane,a train, a bus or a bike? which kind of transportation should we take while travelling? I think that it mainly depends on three facts. The first one is time, if we have enough time, we can choose budget transportation to enjoy all the scenery along the way. the second one is money, if we have enough money, we can get anywhere in a few hours. It sounds really fun. The third one is the transportation of the our destination, if there is no airport or train station there, we need to choose other kind of transportation to get there. In this case, there must be some interesting things attract us a lot. Besides these kinds of transportation, ther are still many other kinds or transportation that people choose to travel. I have seen some people did some challenges to go to a place with a speical kind of transportation. For example, there is a boy who travelled to a place where are many thousand of kilometers away from his hometown only by the buses run between different cities. He was really bravel and smart!
18 set 2024 08:10
Correzioni · 1
Almost everyone around the world likes travelling. Travelling is a better way to understand the world than just reading about places in books. The distances between our homes and destinations are usually not short, so we need to choose a proper form of transportation to get there. Either a plane, a train, a bus or a bike. Which kind of transportation should we take while travelling? I think that it mainly depends on three facts. The first one is time, if we have enough time, we can choose budget transportation to enjoy all the scenery along the way. The second one is cost, if we have enough money, we can get anywhere in a few hours. It sounds really fun. The third one is our destination, if there is no airport or train station there, we need to choose another kind of transportation to get there. In this case, there must be some interesting things to attract us . Besides these ways of travelling, there are still many other ways that people choose to travel. I have seen some people who did some challenges to get to a place using a special kind of transport. For example, there is a boy who travelled to a place many thousand of kilometers away from his hometown only by the buses that run between different cities. He was really brave and smart!
18 set 2024 13:18
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