1987 - 2006
Dutch language teacher and ESL teacherPrimary school - Elburg, OlandaI worked as a primary school teacher and taught part time Dutch and ESL to high school students and adult foreigners
1988 - 1988
Supervisor postofficeRefugee camp Thailand - Chonburi, TailandiaI worked at this refugee camp and taught English in my spare time there.
2006 - 2014
ESL teacherPrimary school & Kindergarten - Chonburi, TailandiaI taught ESL in an English program & Math in English in the regular program.
2006 - 2014
ESL teacherOwn ESL Center - Chonburi, TailandiaI taught ESL to kindergarten level, primary school level, high school level and to adults. I also went to factories to teach ESL business English to the staff. I was a guest speaker at the international fair EDUCA in Bangkok on 'The development of teachers in Europe'.