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56 lezione/i di Cinese (mandarino)
La scelta dell'insegnante
Ruka 每一節課都會準備很多有趣的話題 可以一邊練習口語一邊學到很多新的詞彙和新的資訊(例如台灣/美國文化區別)。有任何問題的話 她會很耐心的去幫你解釋、找例子、等等。謝謝老師🙏
Ruka always comes prepared with many interesting topics. I get to practice my speaking abilities, as well as improve my vocabulary and learn new things (e.g., cultural differences between Taiwan and America). Any questions I have, Ruka is always patient and takes the appropriate amount of time to explain words/concepts, give examples, etc. Thanks, Ruka!
25 feb 2024