Ángela Sanabria insegnante di Spagnolo

Ángela Sanabria

Tutor della Community
Passionate language teacher with experience in language schools and online
Da SpagnaVive a Barcelona, Spagna (23:44 UTC+02:00)
Informazioni su di me
Insegnante di italki dal 8 Dec 2021
Argomento di interesseFilmArteViaggiCibo
Soy Ángela y soy de Sevilla, pero actualmente vivo en Barcelona. Estoy graduada en Filología Inglesa, pero aparte de inglés, también estudio alemán, portugués y otros idiomas. Soy una amante de los idiomas por lo que una de mis metas es ser políglota y ser capaz de comunicarme de manera fluida en tantos idiomas como mi cerebro me permita. I am Angela and I am from Seville, but I currently live in Barcelona. I have a degree in English Language and Literature but, apart from English, I also study German, Portuguese and other languages. I am a language enthusiast so one of my goals is to become a polyglot and be able to communicate fluently in as many languages as my brain allows me to.

Spagnolo Lezioni

Lezione di prova
108 lezioni completate
USD 6.00+
Conversación en español // Conversation in Spanish
A2 -  C2


528 lezioni completate
USD 9.00+
Pacchetto con 4% di sconto
Clases de español // Spanish lessons
A1 -  C2


251 lezioni completate
USD 9.00+
Pacchetto con 4% di sconto
[NEW] *DESCUENTO* Paquete de 10 clases // *DISCOUNT* 10 Class Package
A1 -  C2


48 lezioni completate
USD 9.00+
Pacchetto con 11% di sconto


In base al tuo fuso orario (UTC+00:00)
Le mie creazioni
Vocabulary (10)
Quiz (23)

56 Recensioni

Studente Guillaume Dupont
Guillaume Dupont
23 lezione/i di Spagnolo
La scelta dell'insegnante
Ángela es absolutamente genial. Empecé las lecciones con ella hace unos 2 meses ahora, y si tuviera que volver al pasado para cambiar de profesor... no lo haría. Habla despacio y claramente, y también me encanta mucho su acento natural de Sevilla - aunque ella puede hablar un español muy "neutral" si es necesario. Ella es muy amable y graciosa, cada lección con ella es un placer y todo es natural y espontáneo. También reímos mucho, y al lado de aprender mucho con ella, durante esos momentos a veces olvido todo del dolor que tengo. Me siento muy agradecido de que entre todos los profesores que había aquí, la encontré y elegí. Espero también que la elegiréis. Gracias a tí. English version: In a nutshell, 11/10 would recommend Ángela. Like, really. Just stop scrolling STAT. Stop looking for another Spanish teacher, you've found the one you were looking for. Ángela is the coolest and funniest, period. End of story. Roll the credits. Book a lesson with her right now. You won't regret it.
28 giu 2024
Studente El Henry
El Henry
56 lezione/i di Spagnolo
La scelta dell'insegnante
Ángela is an amazing teacher, I have been having regular classes with her since I joined italki in 2021. She is always friendly, professional and on time. This year my speaking ability has increased dramatically with her assistance, along with my confidence. She is very patient and corrects my pronunciation. Ángela has helped me to target areas I am not proficient in, and regularly gives me activities to do in between classes. When I make errors in class she corrects me and explains why thoroughly, as she has an excellent understanding of all of the terms of the language, and with a level of English akin to natives it is easy to converse with her when I do have problems understanding concepts. I highly recommend having classes with Ángela; it has been a very positive experience and I am very happy to continue having regular classes with her.
23 set 2022
Studente Chris Wyse
Chris Wyse
105 lezione/i di Spagnolo
La scelta dell'insegnante
Angela is awesome! She works hard for me, spending time outside of class to prepare and correct homework. The homework is often customized to my needs. She is always prepared for class, making sure that we have an informal agenda to follow, and that we use our time efficiently. Her English is excellent - I have no trouble understanding her. Although now, after six months of weekly lessons, we speak mostly in Spanish. During that transition, Angela helped me improve various aspects of my Spanish, adjusting to my needs as appropriate. I like working with her - she's very nice and helpful. During our class, she will typically write down notes and corrections in the chat, which I review later and/or add to flash cards. She's always on time, and notifies me well in advance if she needs to change the schedule. She's also very accommodating when I need to make a change. I highly recommend Angela!!
21 set 2022
Studente Silisia Duggie
Silisia Duggie
1 lezione/i di Spagnolo
A very friendly and patient tutor.
22 apr 2024
Studente Ramon Marcelino
Ramon Marcelino
1 lezione/i di Spagnolo
Ángela es genial! Muy tranquila y atenta. Vale la pena!!
8 apr 2024
Studente KeziaKing
7 lezione/i di Spagnolo
Did the trial with a few Spanish teachers and Ángela was the best fit for my needs! She makes me feel really comfortable and I definitely feel supported in the lessons. I’ve booked a pack of 10 now and already have a lot more vocabulary to work with. I really enjoy the Skype interface as the words pop up on the screen as we speak. She’s very relaxed and the sessions are fully for you so whatever you’d like to do/learn is prioritised. I’m looking forward to see what my progression will be by session 10. A 2024 goal of mine is to work towards becoming B1 in Spanish and I really see these sessions helping me long-term! Thank you Ángela
22 mar 2024
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