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Impara Francese con il professore léa.

5,747 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Francese

🇫🇷 French lessons customized to YOUR goals and needs ! 🇫🇷 J'ai travaillé dans différentes structures: collèges, lycées, académie, centre linguistiques et avec des publics très différents. Enseigner ma culture, ma langue et raconter les petites habitudes françaises est pour moi un grand privilège. J'ai étudié en France les langues jusqu'à mes 20 ans (lettres modernes) puis je suis partie en Espagne continuer mes études (master fle) et commencer à travailler comme professeur de français. I worked in a primary school as a French teacher for 4 years now, so I have a great experience with children.

USD 20.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Christelle Soisnard.

157 lezioni

Christelle Soisnard

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Professeure qualifiée avec 10 ans d'expérience J’enseigne le français langue étrangère en cours particuliers depuis 8 ans à tous types de public : des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes que ce soit pour le travail ou l’école ou bien pour le plaisir. J'enseigne à tous les niveaux : des grands débutants aux avancés.

USD 14.00/prova
Disponibile 06:30 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Precillia.

2,651 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese
Creolo haitiano

Top 1% of Certified French community tutors - Un français personnalisé et adapté à vos objectifs. Diplômée du DAEFLE (Diplôme d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère), j’enseigne le Français depuis 2018 à des étudiants et adultes. Ayant au cours de mes précédentes expériences travaillée dans le domaine du recrutement, de la formation et du coaching, je saurai vous écouter, identifier vos besoins et vous accompagner tout au long de votre apprentissage en vous proposant des outils adaptés à vos besoins et à votre niveau. Les cours seront effectués par le biais de multiples supports (vidéos, journaux, livres, articles...) Un accent sera mis sur l’oral car il n’y a pas de secret, converser permet de développer votre aisance et votre spontanéité.

USD 22.18/Ora
Disponibile 09:30 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Khaled.


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese
Arabo (levantino)

Teacher with over 6 years tutoring experience offering exciting and non-judgemental French lessons. I offer a space that is non-judgmental, disciplined, and exciting. We will work on strategies that make sure you retain new knowledge that you gain from our lessons and that keep you engaged. We will immerse in the cultures of the language we are speaking in, I will prepare scenarios with real-life dialogues that we can rehearse, and we will make sure to tailor the lessons to suit you best!

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 11:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Mathilde 梦婷.

205 lezioni

Mathilde 梦婷

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese
Cinese (mandarino)

I am very patient and encouraging and I love listening to other people's experiences. I want to present my students with new ways to organize their language learning with accessible and varied resources which will make learning French feel like a game!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Julien.

335 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

CONVERSATION The best way to learn is to practice ! My goal is to create an atmosphere where you feel confident to speak French. I'm patient, supportive and empathetic, as I know the difficulties of learning a language myself. I'm creative and flexible, my experiences taught me to adapt my pedagogic knowledge according to level, needs, expectations and goals of my students ; as well as providing structured lessons and relevant resources. I work with adults and teenagers, in group or individual classes, at school or at home, online or face to face.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore IMY BEN.

467 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I love to joke and talk about almost everything ,i'm really flexible as a person and understanding so do not worry i'm not gonna judge you .I will be with to help you to learn french and speak it with confidence.

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Heidi Gray.

3,466 lezioni

Heidi Gray

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Certified TEFL teacher with nearly ten years experience I would describe myself as a supportive teacher, who likes to help students achieve their goals. I like to teach in a fun, yet challenging way which really allows students to grow in confidence, and to maximise learning! Je me décrirais comme un professeur encourageant, qui aime aider ses étudiants à réussir. J'enseigne dans une manière amusant mais aussi plein de défis qui permet à mes étudiants de développer de la confiance en soi, et de maximiser leur connaissances !

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Célian.

2,307 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I think the best way to learn french is to work in a relaxed and funny atmosphere.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 06:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore ⭐️ Eva.

910 lezioni

⭐️ Eva

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Keep calm & learn french 😝 ! Fun & Personnalized lessons :-) 📚 I’m used to teaching intermediate (B1 to C1) and I'll continue to focus on this level for now. I’m constantly creating and improving my lessons. Also, I highly value my students' advice. 🗣 I believe that casual conversations are the best way to learn a new language because it helps practicing vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and self confidence! ➡️ I intent to use interesting, useful and fun topics to encourage my students and make their journey as easy as possible 🌞 I will do my best to help you reaching your goal.

USD 9.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Océane.

1,176 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

👩🏼‍🏫 In 2016, after my Bachelor’s in English Literatures and Cultures, I did my Masters in Language Teaching, specializing in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (FFL). For me, teaching French is, above all, a passion; much more than just a job. I take great pleasure in helping people discover my native language as well as the francophone culture that surrounds it. I like dynamic, lively classes where there is real communication and a growing desire to know more 🙋🏼‍♀️ I enjoy conversations on a thousand different topics, from casual to specific. I consider that there is always room for learning new things 🙂

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Charlotte Vieville.

3,444 lezioni

Charlotte Vieville

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Happy and positive teacher with over 8 years of experience and speaking 4 languages! In the past years, I have taught many people: Beginners, studying the basics of the French language Advanced, looking for a conversational practice Children, (from the age of 4) looking for a playful way to learn and check their homework Adults, looking for support to study for an exam (DELF, DALF, other exams) Individuals and small groups looking for a fun way to learn I also have experience teaching many nationalities and teach in-person or online Through the years, I’ve acquired significant teaching experience and use this to teach different kinds of students with different methods and tailor-made material So if you want a fun and smiling teacher don't hesitate to book a lesson with me

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Anthony.

63 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Certified Native French Teacher with 5 Years of Experience |Mówię po polsku |Hablo español My students describe me as an organized, competent, pleasant, and clear-explaining teacher. I care about the progress of my students. I take my time and make an effort to know the students: their personality, the way they learn a language, their strengths, and weaknesses. Once I have a good understanding of the student's profile, we determine how we will work together. Learning is a collaboration between the teacher and the student, and I believe that the student should be an active participant in his or her learning. The student should be fully engaged in his or her learning to learn effectively. Additionally, I value maintaining a good relation with him or her.

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Nadjib. H.

415 lezioni

Nadjib. H

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

-J'ai une expérience en tant que tuteur de Français de un an. Je serais ravi de vous accompagner dans votre apprentissage de Français. J'ai reçu beaucoup de retours positifs de la part de mes étudiants qui m'ont encouragé à continuer cette mission. -I have one year's experience as a French tutor. I would be delighted to help you in your learning of French. I have received a lot of positive feedback from my students who have encouraged me to continue this mission.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore sakina.

1,820 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

J 'aime donner , partager , écouter , communiquer , apprendre et transmettre mon savoir. Je serai ravie d'enseigner le français.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 12:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Malcolm.

2,604 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Native English/French bilingual. Conversation, slang, books, poetry. Ask me anything! If you've got some basics of the language down and you want to start speaking more comfortably, I'm your guy. I'm also happy to take on advanced students who would like to fine-tune their English or French. I offer both conversation- and reading-based classes that can be tailored to suit your needs and preferences. I've taught tons of people from all walks of life: artists, engineers, mechanics, programmers, soldiers, actors, dancers, doctors, professors, diplomats, cooks, athletes, and more. Please note: I don't accept bookings made for children by parents/guardians. However, if you're 12-17 and you're booking a lesson for yourself, then that's alright.

USD 8.50/prova
Disponibile 13:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Deborah Kembellec.

1,567 lezioni

Deborah Kembellec

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Le Podcast de la Vie Le Podcast de la Vie I have developed my own method from needs my students had (recurring mistakes and obstacles) to teach in the most productive way possible. Even though I use the same method with all my students, it is tweaked to fit the learning mechanism of each individual. Some people need more time to speak, some will need more visual support, some will need extra challenges, some will need to break down learning objectives. Professional experience: - Primary schools - Secondary schools - Colleges - Higher National Diplomas - preparation for Interviews, Conference Calls, etc

USD 20.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Lê Hà VU.

988 lezioni

Lê Hà VU

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Learning French will be fun, interesting but effective! - 3 years teaching > I love to teach! I have been teaching French for 1 year in an association for migrants who came to France. > And during my travels, I have 2 years of teaching French for children, teenagers and adults. > I am also a dance and piano teacher. > I'm a curious and easy-going person, I am happy to talk about whatever you want to talk about, whether that are serious things, funny things, weird things or anything else!

USD 22.00/Ora
Impara Francese con il professore Abigail LEBRAULT.

4,217 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Aby - Ton coach de français J'ai de l'expérience dans le domaine de l'enseignement, car ça fait plusieurs années que j'enseigne différents sujets, comme l'économie, l'histoire etc. et maintenant ma langue maternelle le français. J'ai appris le Lingala, langue africaine parlée au Congo. Apprendre une langue très éloignée de la mienne m'a permis de comprendre le processus d'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère. Depuis que j’habite à Athènes, j’apprends le grec. Et, ce n’est pas facile tous les jours ! Mais, je m’accroche. Je parle également Anglais et aussi un peu d’espagnol que je perfectionne. Je me suis créée une routine d’apprentissage pour ces langues. On pourra certainement en discuter ensemble.

USD 12.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Katia Clanet.

1,131 lezioni

Katia Clanet

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I have been teaching French for 3 years and recently started teaching Russian and French. I am very patient with my students and I like to put an accent on the speaking part. A good lesson for me would be to practically not talk at all during the lesson, only to correct your mistakes! But of course I always comme prepared for my lessons as I have had some experience in teaching languages. I also love having a naturally flowing conversation, I will talk to you as I would talk to my friends in France :) I do have a job besides italki and keep teaching people because I love meeting new people and hear all the different experiences from you.

USD 6.50/prova
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