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Impara Tedesco con il professore Stephan.

5,313 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Cinese (mandarino)

✹PROFESSIONAL NATIVE GERMAN TEACHER WITH PASSION✹ I started teaching German to international students in 2009 as a private tutor during my university studies. During that time I realized that this is my true passion, because I love to work with people and seeing progress in my students makes me feel proud and truly happy. After graduation I took several courses to become a professional teacher and soon got a job at a reputable high school in Taiwan. Besides teaches classes, I still tutor private students and currently I am on a temporary leave to travel the world, while still tutoring online and funding my dream through italki.

USD 59.90/prova
Disponibile 03:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Chiara.

3,271 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Tedesco austriaco

Currently working with students who are Level A2.2 or higher - looking forward to meet you ☀️ Im Zuge meines Studiums habe ich schon viele verschiedene Methoden kennenlernen dürfen, um das Lernverhalten bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Ich basiere meine Stunden auf Kommunikation, weil ich denke, dass man auf diese Weise am besten eine Fremdsprache lernen kann. Ich gehe sehr gerne auf individuelle Wünsche und Fragen ein. Mir ist es wichtig, dass unsere gemeinsamen Stunden genau dein Ziel verwirklichen können. I got to know a lot of different ways of teaching through my studies, so I have a wide variety that I can choose from. I can assure you, that I will try my best to support you on your learning path. I base my lessons on communication, because I feel like that is a very natural form

USD 21.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Tanja.

596 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Communication expert with many years of experience I'm all into communications. Especially into conversations. Since I've worked for more than 10 years in communications/ PR, I'm an expert in German, not just regarding grammar and phrasing, but verbal and written, too. I offer you the chance to improve your German skills in a easy and vivid way by having enjoyable and exciting talks. This could be about any topic you prefer. Weather, sports, business, philosophy, culture etc. I'm a very sensitive person, so I'm capable to make you feel comfortable in a conversations. While you have the "lion's share" in a conversation, I'm listening, correct you if necessary and ask questions - I'm always very keen in getting to know more about the person

USD 18.43/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Mahmoud Amir.

41 lezioni

Mahmoud Amir

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Boost Your Skills, Speak with Flair! As a dedicated German language educator with four years of experience, I’m passionate about making language learning an engaging and enjoyable experience. Certified by the Goethe Institut, I’m committed to providing high-quality instruction and ensuring that my students build confidence and achieve their language goals. My approach combines the latest teaching technologies with a deep under

USD 6.00/prova
Disponibile 21:30 Oggi
Impara Tedesco con il professore Arthur.

5,211 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Tedesco

In September 2020 I started working as a science teacher at an international school, teaching children from the age of 8 to 12. After completing a 120 hour TEFL course, I also started working as a private English tutor for 5 to 12-year-old children. Since I started working as a teacher, I realized how much I enjoy teaching and seeing my students make progress. So I decided to start teaching the language that I feel most comfortable with – German.

USD 19.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Deutsch mit Davi.

1,967 lezioni

Deutsch mit Davi

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Professionelle Deutsch-Lehrkraft mit über 1500 Stunden Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht! I went to university in Frankfurt Germany, where I was trained to be a professional teacher in German, Spanish, Italian and Physical Education. In a team I also coach teachers and organize nationwide events involving several schools in Latin America. - In Frankfurt wurde ich zum Lehrer in den Fächern Deutsch, Spanisch, Italienisch und Sport ausgebildet. Ich habe bereits auf verschiedenen Kontinenten und in unterschiedlichen Sprachen unterrichtet. Zudem coache ich Lehrer und organisiere in einem Team landesweite Veranstaltungen in Chile. - En Frankfurt me formé como profesor en alemán, español, italiano y deportes. Usar herramientas digitales para perfeccionar mi enseñanza es mi pasión.

USD 22.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Erica エリカ.

Erica エリカ

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

香港人德文老師👩‍🏫Goethe C2🥨Polyglot🍺Specialised in Conversation, Pronounciation, Test Preparation LIMITED TIME - 20% SALE ON ALL COURSES! - Goethe C2 certified - Experienced in teaching both group classes and 1:1 lessons - Able to assist with test preparation, job interviews, and navigating daily life while understanding the culture. - Have taught students from various nationalities and native languages: Cantonese (Hong Kong, Macau), Chinese (Taiwan, China), Japanese, French. - Passionate about language learning & cultural exchange - Patient with students, and resourceful in finding suitable materials and topics.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 04:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Roman.

26 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Deutsch-Tutor mit über 3 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung Durch meinen Lebensweg verbinde ich tiefgreifende persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Erlernen neuer Sprachen. Somit kann ich mich sehr gut in die Gedanken, Gefühle und eventuell auch Ängste und Hemmungen von jemandem hineinversetzen, der gerade versucht, Deutsch zu lernen. Von diesen Erfahrungen, die für mich sehr wertvoll sind, möchte ich dich profitieren lassen und dich auf deinem Weg unterstützen. Hierbei lege ich viel Wert darauf, das Lernen praxisbezogen zu gestalten und auf möglichst einfache Weise eine Sprachintuition zu vermitteln. Bereits seit mehreren Jahren gebe ich Sprachunterricht an Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Zudem bin ich Ingenieur und verfüge somit auch über viel E

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 08:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Niklas K..

9 lezioni

Niklas K.

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Experienced German Teacher: Speak Like a Native, Learn with Confidence 🇩🇪 I understand that learning German can feel tough and overwhelming at times. But here's the promise: I guarantee quick progress and lots of fun while learning! All learners are welcome here, whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced. I also teach kids of any age or skill level. ✅ My approach revolves around empowering students to actively speak and communicate in the language they're learning. 🗣️💬

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 21:30 Oggi
Impara Tedesco con il professore Marcus Fritzsche.

5,115 lezioni

Marcus Fritzsche

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

New language, new life ... I can help you to start your new life 🇩🇪💪😉 If you' re also tired of grammar rules and pointless textbooks. Then you've come to the right place. I hated languages in school. And I always thought it was because of the languages. Until I went abroad and suddenly I started to love languages. And that's what inspired me to completely reconsider the method of language learning. Si también estás cansado de las reglas gramaticales y los libros sin sentido. Entonces has venido al sitio adecuado. Yo odiaba los idiomas en la escuela. Y siempre pensé que era por los idiomas. Hasta que me fui al extranjero y de repente empecé a amar los idiomas. Y eso fue lo que me inspiró a reconsiderar completamente el método de aprendizaje de idiomas.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Reto Plüss.

97 lezioni

Reto Plüss

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Tedesco svizzero

Personalisierter Deutschunterricht mit Muttersprachler. Erfahrener und geduldiger Tutor. Als Lehrer arbeite ich seit rund 10 Jahren. Ich bin diplomierter Biomedizinischer Analytiker. Mehrere Jahre habe ich auch als Content-Texter gearbeitet. Gerne helfe ich dir, dich mit Deutsch sicher zu fühlen. Mein Unterricht passt sich deinen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben an. Wir werden viel zusammen sprechen und auch Spass haben. Nebst Deutsch habe ich auch schon Spanisch, Englisch und Informatik unterrichtet.

USD 15.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Xuting(Serena).

425 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (Shanghai)

Overall 1000+ lessons experience with beginners and adolescents in learning Mandarin and German. Working as a German and Mandarin teacher one on one, I teach international students ranging from kids to adults, beginners to advanced. Currently I'm helping my students prepare for TELC, HSK and school tests. Wir können auch gerne Konversationen üben. Having learnt Japanese on an online platform myself and then passed the JLPT N1 exam, I know exactly how it works to teach students via the internet. Moreover, I have helped many students succeed in their job interview. Being totally aware of the difficulties and challenges to master a foreign language, I treat my students with great patience and empathy. 試験に受かってもまだ相応しいレベルの会話が難しいと感じますか。是非ドイツ語の日常会話の授業で一緒に練習してみてください。学生们都说我非常有耐心。

USD 26.00/Ora
Impara Tedesco con il professore Yara Hesham.

491 lezioni

Yara Hesham

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Arabo (egiziano)

Learn German from scratch to proficiency. ⭐️I have been teaching German since 2019. ⭐️ I hold Test-DaF certificate from Goethe institute since 2018, which is a standardized language test of German proficiency. ⭐️I have helped more than 1000 students get their B2 certificate and start studying /working in Germany. ⭐️I have supported more than 3000 students promote their speaking skills and speak German fluently. ⭐️I believe learning must always be fun and enjoyable. ⭐️ I am always available for my students whenever you have a question just drop me a message I will reply as soon as I see it.

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Pablito.

13 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

🥨Native German here to help you improve your German-skills 🥨 ✅Ready when you are! 😉 🥨I grew up in a bilingual household, where I learned Spanish and German from an early age. These are my native languages. Later, I learned English and am now at an advanced level in this language too.🥨 I've enjoyed tutoring in several subjects at school and teaching courses at university, as well as helping students pass their exams. Through numerous international experiences such as studying in Stuttgart, visiting a language school in San Diego, California to accomplish the TOEFL Exam or a semester abroad in Seville I have acquired solid language skills in the above-mentioned languages.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 15:30 Oggi
Impara Tedesco con il professore Sascha Jozefowitz.

12 lezioni

Sascha Jozefowitz

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Certified TEFL tutor with more than 4500 lessons taught! With over 4500 lessons already taught online before joining italki, teaching became a real passion for me. I love to help other people and enjoy seeing the progress my students make. With me you will get a reliable and patient teacher who always tries to get the most out of you. The focus is always to listen and speak as much German as possible. I have a variety of materials for every situation. These include many different textbook, audio materials, websites and self made PowerPoints for conversational classes or explaining grammar. I can also help you prepare for a language certificate like Goethe or TELC. I've already helped a lot of people successfully passing these exams.

USD 17.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Qin.

154 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Cinese (mandarino)

亦师亦友,天天向上:) 在德国海德堡大学上学期间,我曾在当地的语言学校进行实习,教外国人学习德语。毕业后的业余时间里曾给想学习德语的中国学生上课,大多是一对一的私教。自2021年开始在线上教授德语,积攒了很多教学经验,也认识了很多可爱的学生们。

USD 15.00/prova
Disponibile 01:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Bernardo.

1,786 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

I grew up with 4 mother tongues! I pay attention to every student's individual strengths and needs, in order to adapt the teaching style and rhythm to one that works best. My teaching experience comes from an intuitive and deductive process of learning by doing. I like to bring this into my lessons, making you understand the language as a whole, instead of just memorising words and phrases.

USD 15.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Stefan Sa.

6,722 lezioni

Stefan Sa

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco

German teacher with MBA and over 5 years teaching experience on 3 continents. I taught English, German and Spanish in various circumstances in Europe, Asia and Latin America. On the one hand as a private teacher who helps his clients achieve their individual language goals. On the other hand, as a volunteer for the local population, so that they can find through their new language skills a job in the tourism sector. He enseñado inglés, alemán y español en diversas circunstancias en Europa, Asia. Por un lado, como maestro privado que ayuda a sus clientes a alcanzar sus objetivos lingüísticos individuales. Por otro lado, como voluntario para la población local, para que puedan encontrar a través de sus nuevas habilidades lingüísticas, un trabajo en el sector turístico

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Baraka⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

1,138 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Berbero (tamazight)
Arabo (magrebino)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Best German teacher on iTalki⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ MY 4-STEP APPROACH IS UNBEATABLE ON ITALKI. In my A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 lessons, we have free conversations, sometimes with pictures. My goal is for you to speak as much as possible and gain confidence. While you talk, I type out your mistakes and share my screen so you can see them in real time. If you make systematic errors, I explain the grammar clearly. You can choose a topic, and if you tell me in advance, I’ll send a vocabulary list to help you prepare. During the lesson, I ask many questions and correct your mistakes. Afterward, you receive my notes and a reading text to reinforce learning. Reviewing them, practicing vocabulary, and writing short texts will help you improve efficiently. 😊

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Boshra.

582 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Persiano (farsi)

Experienced Language Tutor|Personalized Learning Experience|Exam Preparation & Skill Development I’ve always had a passion for teaching, which began back in school. Over the years, I’ve gained diverse tutoring experience, including teaching German at a language institute in Iran and serving as a tutor in various science-based majors at tachnical university in Giessen. For the past three years, I’ve also been teaching on italki, where I’ve helped students from different backgrounds improve their language skills. My teaching approach is fully tailored to each student’s needs—whether they are preparing for exams or looking to enhance their skills. Additionally, I can easily communicate with students in English when necessary, ensuring a smooth and effective learning experience.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 06:30 Domani
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