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7,302 lezioni
Yuri Tezuka
Help you reach your goal throughout this Japanese language learning journey! I am an enthusiastic, responsible and a little bit strict teacher. However, at the same time, I am very happy to engage myself to flexible and unique styles of lessons. I am here to talk about anything you want to practice, here to give you tips of learning Japanese and here to be part of your language learning journey. I am also a language learner, so I share a lot of problems, difficulties, and most importantly, joy with you.
577 lezioni
藤田 仁美
819 lezioni
Professional Japanese teacher I am a professional Japanese teacher. I am a native Japanese speaker. I completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours). I have taught students who are from children to adults and from various countries. I studied English at university. I know that it is difficult to learn foreign language, but I will be your personal teacher, so you can ask me everything about Japanese. I am a friendly person, so we would enjoy our lessons. I can teach listening and speaking. Cancellation policy of italki applies.
967 lezioni
経験豊富な日本語教師です。More than 9 years teaching experiences! After graduating, I worked in the Marketing department of a clothing company in Japan.After getting married and having two daugters,I started studying to become a Japanese teacher.I got a qualification in 2015.I also teach you Japanese for your buisiness and for JLPT to pass it.I have met my students several times in Japan. I saw cherry blossoms with students who came to Japan this spring! It was the most enjoyable experience as a Japanese language teacher. 以前は会社員をしていましたが、出産後日本語教師になりたいと思い一生懸命勉強して資格を取りました。会社員の経験がありますから、ビジネス日本語やJLPT合格のための授業もすることができます。日本へ遊びに来た生徒さんと会ったことが数回あります。今年の春も、日本へ遊びに来てくれた生徒さんとは一緒に食事しましたよ!とても楽しかったです。
456 lezioni
【A2~C2 learners】Warm and friendly native Japanese tutor with 5 stars reviews こんな悩(なや)みはありませんか? ✅レッスンでは緊張(きんちょう)してしまう・・・ ⇒飲(の)み物(もの)を飲(の)みながら、友達(ともだち)のようにはなそう! ✅日本語(にほんご)は読(よ)めるけど・・・いきなり話(はな)せない・・・ ⇒トピック記事(きじ)を用意(ようい)します! わたしと楽(たの)しく勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。
1,845 lezioni
Aika あいか
There's a notice in my profile, please check it out:) I have been teaching here since September 2021. In order to get better at speaking foreign languages, it is important to input and speak in that target language, right? In my lessons, I always make an effort that you can talk a lot whatever you like and are interested in, and according to the situation I will provide you phrases and words. Let's try to increase your vocabulary little by little. I know it takes time and effort to become what and where we really want to be. But we got this! I'm here for you:) 私は2021年9月からItalkiで日本語を教えています。 言語を習得する上で大切なのは、インプットしてたくさん話すことですね。私のレッスンでは生徒さんがたくさん話せるように努めます。状況に合わせて使えるフレーズや単語をお伝えしていきます。一緒に日本語を話す練習をして使える言葉を増やしていきましょう。 目標を達成するためには時間と努力が必要ですが、一緒に頑張りましょう!
1,394 lezioni
Start Your Japanese Journey Today! 🌈⭐️Over three years and over 3500 hours of experience I can help you focus on communication and I can correct your mistakes in an encouragingly:) I have taught various levels of students. I like to develop trust and friendships with my students because It makes learning more enjoyable. Let's talk about anything together! I’m sure you can do it! Let’s do our best and enjoy the learning process together!! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you and being your friend:) 〜My Methods〜 My Original PDF My Original pictures and videos TV Drama, Movies, Anime みんなの日本語 Easy Japanese MARUGOTO Japanese interesting articles JLPT (words, kanji, grammar)
623 lezioni
I was raised and educated in Japan but now live in Vietnam. I regularly use Vietnamese with my colleague, subordinates and counterparts and sometimes communicate with customers around the world in English. Each language is unique in its own way, but don't think too hard about it, just start a conversation by using the words you know and saying them out loud.
243 lezioni
私は音楽大学を卒業し、5年間音楽教室でピアノを教えていました。 I graduated music of College. I experienced to instruct the piano in the music school. まだ日本語を教えたことはありませんが、教えることは好きです。 I have never taught Japanese but I like teaching. 基本的には日本語でレッスンを行います。 Basically, I give lessons in Japanese. 私と一緒に楽しく勉強しましょう。 I hope you enjoy to study Japanese with me.
308 lezioni
7 years experiences in teaching Chinese and Japanese in spare time. 私は2015年から休日を利用して中国語と日本語を教え始めました、数年間続けてきました。学生さんは中国で就職、生活している日本人の方が多いです、それと日本語に興味持っている中国人もいます。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I teach Chinese and Japanese in my spare time from 2015.My students ,almost Janpese,who live and work in China,and some Chinese who intersested in Japanses.Now,they can speak Chinese or Janpanese fluently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我有多年中文和日语教学经验,从2015年开始我利用业余时间教学生中文和日语,学生主要是在中国工作及学习的日本人和对日语感兴趣的中国人,经过老师的教学和自身的努力,他们现在都能用外语轻松地表达自己的想法。
784 lezioni
I am a professional in Japanese language education and have more than 19 years of experience. I majored in Japanese language education at my university. After graduating from the university, I have been teaching Japanese for 3 years in China and over 15 years in Japan. I love teaching Japanese. I can teach conversation, composition, kanji, test preparation, business Japanese, pronunciation, anything. Now I mainly teach online. I also have a YouTube channel "日本語まきちゃんねる". I try to make it easy for you to understand and enjoy learning in class. 私は大学で日本語教育学を専攻しました。 大学を卒業してから、中国で3年間、日本では15年以上ずっと日本語を教えています。 私は日本語を教えるのが大好きです。 会話、作文、漢字、試験対策、ビジネス日本語、発音、何でも教えることができます。 今はオンラインでマンツーマンレッスンをしています。YouTube「日本語まきちゃんねる」で日本語学習に関する動画も公開しています。 授業ではわかりやすく、そして楽しく学べるように心がけています。
1,433 lezioni
仕事のemail 文章のチェック、仕事に関する会話が人気です☆ will make an effort to become a good partner for understanding and conversation. I will do my best to support your learning. There is more than one way to learn. Listen, speak, read, write. I want to support you :) I have been involved in traditional Japanese culture for a long time. Also I have been running my company for 19 years and have traveled to different parts of the world. What I have learn in common between these ... It is... Encounters have the power to change thoughts and my life. Let's make a Happy and Great lesson together!
596 lezioni
Masa@incredibly kind
I specialize in conversation practice! I also provide Youtube videos of Japanese conversation. Outside of lesson time, I'll introduce you to videos and materials for self-study. A lot of self-study is necessary for beginners who have just started to be able to speak quickly. I'll encourage you and help you while you study on your own! Let's make the lesson time a time to use what you've memorized! If there's something you don't understand, I'll explain it to you. Above all, what I value most in lessons is enjoying conversation. When you speak in your native language, do you make more jokes? Even though it's a lesson, let's talk casually in Japanese just like when you speak in your native language. Casual conversation is also welcome, not just the polite "desu, masu" style!
680 lezioni
When I was abroad, I experienced teaching Japanese to local people as a volunteer. In Japan I also worked for a language school teaching English to Japanese people for 5 years. So I understand how to teach a language and motivate my students. I have learnt several different languages in my life as well so I know that learning a new language is challenging but also is so much fun. So Don’t worry if you are a complete beginner. I’m happy to help you begin this fun journey!
455 lezioni
日本語教育能力検定試験取得、日本語学校にて初級クラス担当 アイトーキでコミュニティチューターとしてレッスンをおこないながら、日本語を教えるための勉強を続けて、講師資格取得のため日本語教育能力検定試験を受験し、合格することができました☺️レッスンでは、場面に合わせたマナーや、学習者さんに必要だと感じる情報などを提供したりしています。 その方のニーズに合わせたレッスンを行なっています。 何について学びたい!など希望がある方はお伝えください! 楽しく学べるレッスンを心がけています。
54 lezioni
大学生の時に小学生や中学生の家庭教師をしていました(英語、国語、社会、理科、算数)。その子が何を分からないかを考えて解決するのが好きでした。卒業した後もパソコンやインターネットが分からない人を教える仕事をしていました。 Üniversite öğrencisiyken, ilkokul ve ortaokul öğrencilerine özel ders verdim. Çocuğun anlamadığı şeyleri düşünmeyi ve çözmeyi severdim. Mezun olduktan sonra bile bilgisayardan ve internetten anlamayan insanlara öğretmeye çalışıyordum. When I was a college student, I was a tutor for elementary and junior high school students (English, Japanese, social studies, science, math). I liked to think about what the child didn't understand and solve it. Even after graduating, I was still working to teach people who didn't understand computers and the Internet.
77 lezioni
Japanese school teacher / Reporter /Professional pronunciation instructor / Kimono instructor I would like to introduce Japanese culture and learn about the cultures of various countries. There are students from various countries at the Japanese language school, and I think it's wonderful that they are all connected through friendship, regardless of politics. I strive to provide bright and fun classes and provide careful instruction. A qualified professional Japanese teacher. This lesson is aimed at everyone from those learning Japanese for the first time to advanced learners.
2,125 lezioni
Personalized class according to your level and needs. All levels are welcome! Let's have fun:) When you learn a new language, I think it’s important to set a goal, be consistent, and make it fun! I have experience interpreting English to Japanese and Japanese to English in Okinawa and the United States, so don’t worry if you don’t speak much Japanese, I’m here to help you understand and will adjust the class to your level. I’m very flexible so we will discuss what you want to focus on and I will plan your lessons accordingly. 新しい言葉を学ぶのに大切なことは、目標を定めること、少しづつ毎日積み重ねること、そして楽しむことだと思います。私は沖縄とアメリカで英語から日本語、日本語から英語の通訳の経験がありますので、あなたが日本語をあまり話せなくても大丈夫です。きちんと理解できるようにお手伝いしますし、あなたのレベルに合わせてレッスンを進めていきます。あなたが学びたいことにあわせて柔軟に対応していきます。
2,207 lezioni
Ayako K
資格を持った教師で5年間の経験があります。 2018年から日本語を教えています。2022年12月、日本語教育能力検定試験に合格しました。 静岡県立大学で国際関係学、文化人類学を専攻しました。大学では国語教育の単位も取得したので、中学、高校の国語の教員免許を持っています。アルファ国際学院(日本語教師養成学校)に1年間通いました。 I'm teaching Japanese from 2018.I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test on December 12, 2022. My major was International Relations and Cultural anthropology in University of Shizuoka. I also took classes about Japanese language so I have the Japanese teacher's license for Japanese students in Junior high school and High school. I studied short term in Alpha kokusai gakuin, Training school for becoming a Japanese teacher.
536 lezioni
Free talk style lessons focused on "improving speaking" The important thing in learning a language is to continue. I'm the same language learner as you, so I understand how difficult it is to learn a new language. It's very difficult to continue every day, but I think the secret to continuing is to have fun and learn. In the lesson, practice speaking casual Japanese as if you were talking with your friends! I would like to help you enjoy studying Japanese. 言語を学ぶ上で大切なのは「継続すること」です。私もみなさんと同じ言語学習者なので、新しい言語を学ぶ大変さはすごくよく分かります。毎日続けることはとても難しいですが、楽しんで勉強することが継続の秘訣だと思います。 レッスンでは、友達と喋るような感覚でカジュアルな日本語を話す練習をしましょう!あなたが楽しんで日本語を勉強できるようにお手伝いしたいと思います。