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Impara Giapponese con il professore Mieko.

543 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

文法(ぶんぽう)や会話(かいわ)を優(やさ)しく教(おし)えます。/I will be your patient tutor!!/Je suis là pour vous aider !! 2017年に日本語教育能力検定試験に合格した後、2019年に日本語教師養成学校で、実習を学びました。 日本語学校でボランティアをしたこともあります。現在はオンラインレッスンをしています。 Through my job, I've had precious experiences as a Japanese teacher. I love this job and always try to teach better. My motto is to adapt to each student and help you to find the best way to learn Japanese, and is offering a fun lesson. J'ai l’expérience précieuse en tant que professeur de japonais. J’essaye de m'adapter à chaque élève et de vous aider à trouver la meilleure façon d'apprendre le japonais. J’espère que vous apprenez la langue en prenant le plaisir.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 06:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Tetsuro.

82 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Let's talk and talk! ◆英語レッスンについて 日本語で、初級~中級の英語学習者のみなさんの、英語学習のお手伝いをします。ネイティブスピーカーと会話して、スピードや音に慣れるのは不可欠ですが、いきなりネイティブと会話しても、文法や基本的なルールの理解が出来ないケースがありますよね。分からないことを分からないと伝えて質問することすら出来ないこともあると思います。まずは母国語でしっかりと知識を定着させることが初学者にとっては大事だと思います。 ◆As for Japanese lesson Basically, my lesson is going to be based on free conversation, then maybe intermediate or advanced Japanese learner would be appreciated. Through the conversation I will show you some new vocabularies, phrases, idioms or even proverbs that are commonly used in our daily conversation. Then you will sound more natural.

USD 6.00/prova
Disponibile 12:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Keiko.

627 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I'm a qualified Japanese teacher with two-year experience on italki. I've been teaching the local students English for over 27 years and I find teaching very exciting. Now I am also a qualified Japanese teacher and I've been teaching on italki since 2020. On this platform I've met wonderful learners and I enjoy teaching everyday. It's so much fun to talk with people from different countries. I'm patient, cheerful and friendly. So please don't be nervous and have fun with me.

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yun.

14 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Cinese (taiwanese)

多年日文學習&翻譯經驗,現職教學日文中 これまで一年間ぐらいオンラインで日本語を教えてきました。最近も家で少人数のクラスを開いて、日本語を教えています。レッスンは実用的な教材を使い、テストしたり、会話を通して練習の場を作っております。 レッスンではわかりやすい言葉でコミュニケーションをしています。生徒たちがレッスンに対して何もかも感想又は質問などがあったら、遠慮せずコミュニケーションしてもらえるとありがたいと思います。例えば、レッスン内容に関した質問、レッスンに対する感想や期待、学ぶ時自分にとってどこが難しかったなど、どんどん話し合えば、より良い学習環境を作れると思っております。

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Seiko.T.

1,046 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I am so excited to be able to help students in their language journey. I have no certification in teaching. However, I've been teaching Japanese on italki as a community tutor since March of 2015. My experience which I've been learning English and Korean language has positive impacts. I understand that learning language can be confusing, but I believe in making learning relaxed and fun. I'm just happy to have the chance to help you along your way.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 12:30 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Azumi.

523 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

★フリートーク/履歴書・ESのアドバイス/面接の練習(模擬面接)★ I’d like to help you with speaking and listening. If you just want to have a conversation, let’s talk about variety of things. If you’re a beginner, you can start learning greetings/Hiragana letters/simple words/simple sentences and so on. 少(すこ)しの英語(えいご)とスペイン語(ご)を使(つか)って助(たす)けることができます。 I can help you learn Japanese in English( little bit) and Spanish. puedo ayudarte a aprender japonés en inglés(un poco) y español. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ※会社員でもあるので会話を通じてビジネスメールの書き方や資料に関しても相談に乗れます。職務経歴書や履歴書の書き方、面接対策など。 Job interview preparation/ Resume support

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yoko.

737 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I've been teaching Japanese language since 2018! Let’s gooooo!! I've been teaching Japanese language in Japan (via Skype) and the UK (via both Skype and face-to-face) since 2018. During that time, I've gained knowledge and experience about the best ways to teach Japanese to a wide range of students, each with their own different learning style. I've really enjoyed seeing my students progress and become more fluent in Japanese!

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 07:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Karin かりん.

472 lezioni

Karin かりん

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

★「やさしいにほんご」をつかいます!こども・学生(がくせい)・おとな向けの、わかりやすいレッスンです★ ◆資格(しかく・日本語教育能力検定試験)をもつ、プロの講師(こうし)です。 2021年(2021ねん)から日本語を教(おし)える仕事をしています。日本語学校でも教えています。子どものオンラインレッスンもしています。みなさんがしりたいことがあれば、ぜひ言(い)ってください。おたがいの国(くに)のことを、楽(たの)しく感(かん)じられるレッスンにしたいです。

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 11:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Nagisa🌊なぎさ.

191 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I'm easygoing.(*‘ω‘ *)たまにはいつもとちがう人と話しませんか?1回だけ、たまの気分転換でもOKですよ〜 ☑Qualified I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. 資格(しかく)をもっています。大学生のとき、会話の授業のてつだいをしました。ボランティアもしています。会話(かいわ)のれんしゅう、生活(せいかつ)の日本語をおしえています。 テキスト→みんなの日本語、げんき カルテット(中級)、まるごと(中級) みなさんが、安心(あんしん)してべんきょうできるように、やさしくします。ゆっくりと話して、絵や写真(しゃしん)をつかいます。わかりやすくします。 みなさんと、たのしく べんきょうしたいです☺ I assisted with conversation classes for international students at university. I volunteer at a local Japanese class. I teach conversation practice and everyday Japanese as the volunteer. I keep in mind to give lessons gently so that you can learn without being nervous. I speak slowly and use pictures and photos to make it easy to understand. I want to help you learn to have fun :)

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Aika  あいか.

1,852 lezioni

Aika あいか

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

There's a notice in my profile, please check it out:) I have been teaching here since September 2021. In order to get better at speaking foreign languages, it is important to input and speak in that target language, right? In my lessons, I always make an effort that you can talk a lot whatever you like and are interested in, and according to the situation I will provide you phrases and words. Let's try to increase your vocabulary little by little. I know it takes time and effort to become what and where we really want to be. But we got this! I'm here for you:) 私は2021年9月からItalkiで日本語を教えています。 言語を習得する上で大切なのは、インプットしてたくさん話すことですね。私のレッスンでは生徒さんがたくさん話せるように努めます。状況に合わせて使えるフレーズや単語をお伝えしていきます。一緒に日本語を話す練習をして使える言葉を増やしていきましょう。 目標を達成するためには時間と努力が必要ですが、一緒に頑張りましょう!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Mr. Pan.

661 lezioni

Mr. Pan

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Cinese (mandarino)

I used to teach English in high schools, so I know how to treat students fairly, especially when they don't know how to improve themselves. By the same token, when teaching Japanese, I will try to work with them and help them to reach their goals contingent to different situations that involve diversified students. 自分が子どもの頃から厳しい先生が嫌いなので、必ず面白い方法で日本語の世界へと誘ってあげます。而如果您的興趣是中文,充滿文化背景支持我也一定會為您創造一個有深度的的中文會話環境。

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Kosuke CA.

594 lezioni

Kosuke CA

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

カナダの語学学校で日本語を教えています 🇯🇵 🇨🇦 Japanese Teacher at a language school in Canada わたしは 友達(ともだち)だけではなく、たくさんの人(ひと)に 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えたいと思(おも)い italkiを始(はじ)めました。 言語(げんご)を 教(おし)えることは、文字(もじ)や言葉(ことば)について、話(はな)すこと以上(いじょう)のもの だと思(おも)います。 言(い)うなれば、言語(げんご)は 窓(まど)のようなもので、そこから文化(ぶんか)を 見(み)ることが できます。 また、わたしはカナダの語学学校(ごがくがっこう)で 働(はたら)いています。日本語(にほんご)を2年間(にねんかん)、教(おし)えています。 I started italki because I wanted to teach Japanese not only to my friends but also to many people. I strongly believe teaching a language is way more than talking about its alphabet and words. Languages are like the window - you get to see the culture through them. Also, I have worked as a Japanese teacher at a language school in Canada for 2 years.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Shun.

4,608 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

【Japanese with Shun】Professional Teacher I am a licensed professional Japanese teacher who has been teaching Japanese to the student (4 years old〜) in English for 4 years. As a teacher I am very fun, supportive and patient. I focus on every student 100% so I can make the best lessons for YOU! I speak a standard Japanese, and I can adjust the way I speak in your level. Even if you are a beginner,I will use beginner friendly grammar so we will be able to talk in Japanese even if you don’t know much. You never need to be afraid of making mistakes in my class:) Additionally, since I speak Japanese and English fluently, you can ask me any questions in both languages. I am very much looking forward to seeing you in my lesson!!

USD 30.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Tomomi.

2,310 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

New students are welcome! Certified Japanese teacher with years of experience / gentle & friendly! I am a certified Japanese language teacher. I have total 14 years of teaching experience, and I love doing it. Through teaching, I can discover new aspects of my native language, and it is such a pleasure to share that discovery with students. I also love the moment of "AHA! I got it!" in my students, so I try my best to make things simple, clear, and easy to understand :) Since this is online, face-to-face lesson, I think it is important for you to speak Japanese as much as you can during the lesson. So I will make sure you will be the one who speaks most of the time. And of course it's okay to make mistakes!

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 12:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Saki.

829 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

🌸Certified teacher from Japan🌸Beginners welcome! Learn Japanese in a fun environment Studying a new language is hard and scary! I know, I'm right there with you! I have a lot of friends who study Japanese. Seeing them learning Japanese made me want to help them, so I decided to become a teacher. I know how frustrating it is to not be able to say what you want to say in a different language. I can be very patient because I understand the difficulty of learning languages. With me, you don't need to be afraid of making mistakes!😉

USD 34.00/Ora
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yuri N.

303 lezioni

Yuri N

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Feel free to join my class :) 気軽に遊びに来てください☺️ Looking forward to seeing you 😆 🔸I used to teach Japanese-elementary and junior high school students in a cram school as a teacher, so I know how to help you learn language. 🔸Besides, I really like communicating with people from around the world, so share our stories through conversation. I’m looking forward to meeting you 😆 🔹私は塾講師として日本人(にほんじん)小学生(しょうがくせい)と中学生(ちゅうがくせい)を教(おし)えていました。だから、みなさんの勉強(べんきょう)をサポートできます!! 🔹加(くわ)えて、私は世界中(せかいじゅう)の人と話すことがすきです。会話(かいわ)を通(とお)して、お互(たが)いのことをシェアしましょう!みなさんとお会いできることを楽(たの)しみにしています!

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yuuki Kojima.

1,563 lezioni

Yuuki Kojima

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Amiable teacher with 6 years of teaching experience FOUR key elements: ①Making sure you speak as much as you possibly can. I can also get the ball rolling so that you feel comfortable speaking. ②Setting up few easy goals that help you find meanings in your language journey! ③Active learning rather than passive learning. I firmly believe that there's nothing better than taking actions on your own and moving forward. ④Most importantly, to keep reminding yourself of the enjoyment part of language journey! My class is full of fun and laugher! Bring some tea or coffee! 4つの大事にしていること: ①あなたが話したいだけ話せます。 ②簡単な目標を設定すること。③主体的な学習を推進すること。あなた自身で行動を起こし、前に進むのがなによりもいい。④一番大切なことで、言語学習から興奮を得ること。私のクラスは楽しく笑いがあります! お茶かコーヒーを持ってきてもかまいません!

USD 5.50/prova
Disponibile 14:45 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Osamu.

840 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Before teaching Japanese on itelki, I began to learn English conversation here. Still now I'm struggling for improvement of my English skills. I know well how difficult learning conversation in a new languages is. I'm a professor of a national university in Japan. Since 1999, I've been teaching educational psychology and data analysis and so on. And I've been teaching Japanese here since August 2018. I can say that I have a lots teaching experience.

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore TAKUYA.

6,207 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Cinese (mandarino)

Certified (JEES) Japanese Teacher with 9+ years of Experience including Various Speaking Activities. ✅ Specialized courses to improve your Japanese conversation skills ✅ 9+ years' experience in teaching Japanese in Taiwan & Japan & Online ✅ Classes are mainly conducted in Japanese ✅ Improve conversational Japanese through a variety of speaking activity challenges - - - - - - - - - - 我总共有九年多的日语教学经验,我非常重视的是 1: 以学生的要求为中心 2: 多进行有挑战性的口语活动 3: 进行简短明确的讲解 我理解以中文为母语的学生在学习日语时容易陷入的困难,也理解中籍日籍各种老师的不同好处。我很喜欢通过互动游戏的方式来教授日语,又是可以用流利的中文进行讲解的日籍老师,所以我可以根据你的需求设计出最适合你的日语课程!通过完成课上的挑战性互动,让你感受到用日语表达自己的快乐!

USD 20.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore 🌻 Kenya Sensei.

4,212 lezioni

🌻 Kenya Sensei

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

🏆 Top 1% Teacher|✅ Certified|🧑🏻‍🏫 8 Years of Experience|👥 Group|🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly ✳️ Modern Organic Teaching Method 🇯🇵 Expert of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language 🗣 Standard Japanese Accent 🏆 Awarded as Top 1% Japanese Teacher in italki 2007~2009 - Japanese Teacher Assistant at SKSS (Canada) 2010~2013 - Japanese Teacher Assistant & Tutor at Towson University (USA) 2016~2017 - Teaching Japanese to Foreign Residents (Japan) 2017~2017 - 420 hours of Japanese Teaching Training 2017~2019 - Teaching Japanese in an Official Language School (Spain) 2019~Present - Teaching Japanese in italki

USD 16.00/prova
Il pagamento finale sarà eseguito in dollari americani

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