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845 lezioni
肝付 のの
フィンランドへ1年間の留学経験がありIELTS7.0を所持しています。さまざまな国の文化を話すのが大好きです、一緒に日本語で話しましょう! 私はアルバイトとして高校生と小学生の家庭教師をしています。なので、私は勉強をするのも教えるのも大好きです。また、私は東京育ちなので基本的に標準語をしゃべります。そして、日本語についてなら文法でも敬語でも漢字でもなんでもみなさんにご協力できます。日本語について楽しく学びたいという方はぜひ一生に授業をしましょう! I’m tutoring for elementary school student and junior high school student, meaning I like teaching very ,much. Since I am from Tokyo, I speak normal Japanese without any accent or direct. I’m happy to talk about anything and I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, punctuation and anything else!
716 lezioni
Hsiao yang(ショウヨウ)
Over 2500 teaching sessions(超2500节授课).Japanese law doctoral degree(日本法学博士),JLPT expert(日语考试专家) 日语教学相关履历: 1,N1读解和文法满分。 2,我从2020年开始教学日语,期间在全平台上授课超过2500堂,学生人数超过120人,年龄层覆盖5-65岁。 3,我能很快的找到学生在学习上的不足,并提出可行的建议。上课风格以鼓励为主。 4,我个人最大的优势在于:用学术上习得的总结归纳方式和丰富的个人经历应用于课堂的教学。简化日语教学和丰富课堂内容。 5,我在日本有着丰富的经历,体验深度的日本生活。不论你有什么需求,我都可以提供客制化的课程。 日语教学成果 1,JLPT考试 N1,N2,N3等80%以上通过率。 2,留学面试之中,有同学拿到了,立教大学,名古屋大学,武蔵野美术大学等内诺。 3,工作面试之中,有同学拿到了,日本本田等内诺。 ★I have conducted over 2,500 lessons,utilizing Chinese, English, and Japanese to instruct both Chinese and Japanes courses. ★My areas of expertise encompass Japanese tea ceremonies, contemporary Chinese and Japanese history. ★私の最大の強みは、学術的に習得したまとめ方と豊富な個人的経験で授業の教育に応用することです。日本語教育を簡素化し、授業内容を豊かにします。 ★私は2020年から日本語を教え始めました。その間、全プラットフォームで2500コマ以上の授業を行い、学生数は120人を超えました。
955 lezioni
資格をもった講師で、日本語学校や大学、企業、プライベートレッスンで15年以上教えています。 I've been teaching Japanese for more than 15years at Japanese language schools, businesses and private lessons. Because I have two kids myself, I can teach Japanese patiently while making it fun. Even though my English is not good enough to explain grammar in detail, I will make sure that you understand it in simple Japanese. It will help your conversation skill! □ Study methods tailored to fit your requests and goals □ Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) preparation □ Kind, courteous instruction
94 lezioni
さいきんは、英語の先生としてに日本人に英語をおしえていますので、先生になれてきました。 また、わたしはけっこんしています。かれはがいこくじんです。 毎日かれに日本語をおしえていて、わたしは英語をまなんでいます。 また、日本にすんでいるさまざまな国の友達がいて、日本語を教えることになれています。 Recently I'm also teaching English to Japanese student so I'm getting used to be a teacher. I'm married. My husband is foreigner. Everyday I teach him Japanese and He teaches me English Also I have a many friends from foreign countries in Japan, So I'm used to teach Japanese to them.
1,021 lezioni
Ayako Tomikawa
Fun, relaxing, cheerful atmosphere will make you comfortable talking Japanese with me:) With my extremely easy going, flexible and patient personality, I’m going to support you until you feel comfortable with your questions or issues during my lessons. And of course I can help you after lessons as well. I used to work at two hotels in Japan so I am happy to teach you professional business Japanese, as well what kind of hospitality we need to provide as a hotel staff working in Japan. Japanese hospitality regards to our culture is totally different from other countries so this could be a very interesting topic if you are interested in.
3,047 lezioni
Doy sensee どいせんせい
🇯🇵🌟 Genki & Quartet | Kids & Teens class with FUN| Travel holic ✈️ 📚GENKI & QUARTET expert 📈 many visual materials 図や写真を使います 👄 focus on Speaking 会話を重視します 👩🏫 Direct teaching method ---> I teach Japanese in Japanese. 直接法 In the class, we discuss many topics and you speak a lot. Don't worry, I'm very friendly and patient🌟 ⏰ Time 60min --> 55min , 30min -->25min 💻 ZOOM + Camera ON ( NO Italki classroom! ) 📣📣Cancelation Policy 📣📣 Please cancel/reschedule the class 24hrs prior to the class. Otherwise class will be fully charged with any reason.
393 lezioni
JAPANESE Conversation--- for Beginner to intermediate I am a very open-minded person, and I love to meet new people from all over the world. I am ready to share my Japanese skill to people who are greatly interested in our language. I also want to share our culture with you. So, share your culture with me too. たくさんの方に日本文化を知ってもらい、もっと日本を好きになってもらえるクラスにしたいと思います。
558 lezioni
Adios textbook✋Lessons to be able to speak Japanese with a patient and passionate teacher🗾 ✓Certificated ✓3 years experienced (include online+face to face+individual+class) ✓Lessons1260 ✓Students176 🌹Visiting lecturer Varna free university in Bulgaria 🧸Visiting lecturer Witelon University in Poland
2,090 lezioni
文章の添削をご希望の方、EJUやJLPTの対策が必要な方、会話力を高めたい方、文法をしっかり勉強したい方、皆さんお待ちしています。 私(わたし)は今(いま)、日本(にほん)で働(はた)く外国人(がいこくじん)の方(かた)たちに日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の資格(しかく)も もっていますので、くわしく教(おし)えることができます。授業中(じゅぎょうちゅう)、わからないことがあったら、なんでも聞(き)いてください。何度(なんど)でも聞(き)いてください。わかるまで丁寧(ていねい)に説明(せつめい)します。 また、日本の会社(かいしゃ)で長(なが)く働いていましたので、ビジネス会話(かいわ)についても教えることができます。そのほか、みなさんの希望(きぼう)をお聞(き)きして授業をしますので、なんでもリクエストしてください。
18 lezioni
Gentle & Supportive🌸Certified Japanese Teacher🌸with IT Business Experience (Software Development) Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about my lesson in advance. Either a Japanese or English message is fine🍀 I love talking, but I also really enjoy listening during a lesson! I will carefully listen to your words and teach with care. Even if you're not confident, don't worry! -- もしわたしの授業について質問があれば、きがるにメッセージしてください。 メッセージは日本語でも、英語でも大丈夫です🍀 わたしは話すことも好きですが、話を聞くことも大好きです! あなたの言葉をよく聞いて、ていねいに教えます。 自信がなくても、心配しないでください!
3,215 lezioni
Yoko 洋子🍀JLPT🍀
I will teach you the know-how of studying for exams!(JLPT)🌸German OK! ✔︎Professional Japanese teacher (qualified) ✔︎Former junior high school music teacher ✔︎Advanced German without studying abroad✨ Good at test preparation ✔︎Advice on how to memorize efficiently, how to make a plan, etc. ✔︎プロの日本語教師(資格あり) ✔︎元中学校音楽教師 ✔︎✨試験対策が得意! 効率よく暗記をする方法、計画の立て方などもアドバイスできます。 *楽しみながら勉強しましょう!あなたの興味のあるテーマや例文をたくさん練習します。 In my class I will take in a lot of theme and example sentences that you interest in. *レッスンは日本語で行います。日本語をたくさん話すことが上達への近道です。 (時々ドイツ語もOK!) In my lesson I will teach in Japanese. I think that speaking only Japanese is the best way to improve your Japanese skill. ( I can use German if you want!)
4,503 lezioni
Certified Japanese Language Teacher with over 8 years of experience I have always been interested in teaching and my first part time job after graduating from high school was an English teacher at a cram school. Since then, I fell in love with learning with the students through teaching and cultivating curiosities and experiencing the joy of discovering. I am studying to become a professor/researcher at a university now. So my passion for teaching has always existed and I am pleasantly surprised by students in lessons because I learn a lot from them as much as they (hopefully) learn from me. Perhaps, this YouTube clip I recently made makes it more clear about my cheerful and talkative characters.
12.8k lezioni
I'm looking for new students =) Why don't you learn with me together? I have learned how to teach Japanese through the correspondence course of the 420 hours. And I have already been teaching Japanese for about ten years. As mentioned in 'About Me', I am not a typical type of Japanese person, rather, I would like to train my student indepent or be able to get through any issue by themselves. Some of my friends tell me that I am approachable. So you can feel free to give me any kind of question or request. I have student who is struggled with Dyslexia. Nowadays, such problem is very common. So I welcome such student as well=) Learning language is fun and rewarding but also sometimes challeging to continue without let up. Let's enjoy it with me!!
140 lezioni
Tutor for beginners! I will give you Japanese lessons from near Mt.Fuji! I am qualified as a Japanese language teacher. I have taught at a Japanese language school before, mainly I have been in charge of the beginner classes. I have the skills to teach N5-N4 levels💪 I'm sure that you have some goals or dreams that you want to achieve by learning Japanese! Please share them with me! I want to be your biggest supporter! I will adapt my lessons in accordance with your objectives. I’ll do my best in every single lesson so that you can practice Japanese as much as possible!
1,360 lezioni
Kids(1yo)- Students -Adults ☆Certified and devoted teacher with 20 years in educational field. I enjoy teaching Japanese here in Italki and I have been teaching languages to kids for over 20 years. Some students have been taking lessons for more than 10 years. I have a sense of responsibility and I enjoy teaching and interacting with people. From my experience, I can understand what students need to improve or what they want. Their growth is my happiness. It's my calling!
6,704 lezioni
Akane Sensei
Most Japanese kids lessons taught on italki! Licensed kindergarten teacher *:) I was working as a kindergarten teacher for three years after I graduated college. After that, I lived in the US for two years to learn English. I have experience as working at a Japanese language school and teaching Japanese language to private students. I've been a professional teacher for eight years. English is my second language, so I can empathize with others who are also learning a new language. 日本では大学卒業後、幼稚園教諭として3年間の経験があり子どもの拙い日本語を優しく指導してきました。そして英語を学ぶ為、渡米し二年間コロラド州に住んでいました。現地の日本語学校での職務経験とフリーランスとして多数の生徒たちに日本語を指導してきましたので、プロの講師としては8年目になります。英語は私の母国語ではないので、私も他言語を学んだ一人として、他言語を学ぶ人の気持ちがよくわかります。
2,555 lezioni
Let's start your learning journey with a certified teacher! Absolute beginners are welcome! ★I teach students at all levels for adults. ★I teach Japanese in Japanese using the direct method. What do you find difficult about learning? What are your goals? I can help you to improve the skills you’d like to work on. Let’s devise a study plan according to your goals. As a language learner, I understand how difficult it is to learn new languages and I can help you to develop your skills and to stay motivated. ★Before booking the class, I encourage all new students to complete a questionnaire form, so that I have a better idea of your expectations and passion for Japanese learning. Please request a 30-min-lesson for the first session.
561 lezioni
日本語教育能力検定試験 合格、約20年の言語教育経験、YouTubeで日本語を教えています。Passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. 日本では6年くらい英会話スクールで英語を教えていましたが、台湾に来てからは日本語教室で10年ほど、日本語を教えて、今はフリーランスの日本語教師をしています。 我在日本的時候,在英語補習班教過6年的英語,後來辦到台灣,在日語補習班教了10年的日語之後,目前我是free lancer的身份教日語。 When I was in Japan, I was an English teacher, I taught for about 6 years. Afterwards, I moved to Taiwan.
47 lezioni
楽しく日本語を学ぶお手伝い🌿 海外の食や文化、価値観を知ることが好きで、私自身も英語を学んでいます。 日本の食や文化など、日本のことを知りたい方、日本に旅行をする予定がある方、 日本語を学びたい方、ぜひお待ちしています。 海外の友人やオンラインで日本語を教えた経験があります。 I like to learn about food, culture and values in other countries, and I am learning English myself. If you are interested in learning about Japan and the Japanese language, including Japanese food and culture, or if you plan to travel to Japan, I look forward to seeing you at my lessons! I have experience teaching Japanese to friends overseas and online.
1,544 lezioni
A licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years 😊 Take action! Learn Japanese! I’m a very patient, encouraging, and dedicated licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years. I also completed the 420 Hour Advanced Japanese Teacher Training Course. I dearly hope to help students at all levels become masters of the Japanese language for both personal and professional reasons. Speaking a new language can be challenging and sometimes frustrating since many of us are shy about trying and are worried about making mistakes. I will help you get comfortable with speaking Japanese in a relaxed environment and make learning fun and enjoyable!