Trova il miglior insegnante di Polacco per te.
Trova il miglior tutor online di Polacco per te: scegli tra i nostri insegnanti di Polacco online esperti per godere della migliore esperienza di apprendimento.

265 lezioni
Krzysztof Kołodziej
A language enthusiast and polyglot who wants to share his passion with others I’m very patient and enthusiastic, and I adapt to the personal needs and wishes of the student. I am an attentive listener, so you’re free to speak and ask any questions at any given moment. At the beginning, we’ll establish goals and learn more about your interests, motivation, and current experience as a language learner. Then, we’ll define your language learning strategy. I do my best to keep the lessons fun, engaging, meaningful, and relevant. I’ll address your needs and adhere to your preferences and learning pace. As an avid language learner, I realize how important a friendly, interactive environment is for seamless progress and building confidence in your target language.

1,474 lezioni
Polish for adults and kids! Start speaking Polish from the first lesson! 🇵🇱 ✔️I believe that studying must be fun, so you will learn more effectively ☀️ ✔️Speaking is the most important part of my class. ✔️Every class is different, because every student has different needs and preferences. We will learn in a way you will enjoy. ✔️In a google doc 📄 you will find materials for each lesson. ✔️If you prefer to follow a structured course, we can work with a book called Polski krok po kroku or Hurra. ✔️ If you are interested, I can give you a homework and I'll correct it before the lesson❗️

104 lezioni
New schedule is up <3 Whoever you are, wherever you're from, I warmly invite you to my classes. No matter if you are just starting or have already some proficiency in Polish, you're more than welcome here. If you're a beginner, don't worry, I'm fluent in English and I can provide explanations as well as materials in English, but if you want, I can try to explain the topic in basic Korean, Indonesian or German.

94 lezioni
Student who wants to help other with polish or english language I've been studying English since I was a child. I also have an experience in teaching. I'm a very open, talkative, and patient person. I hope we can learn in a funny and effective way together! I also teach English:)

61 lezioni
Agnes W
🇬🇧 🇵🇱 Expert English & Polish Tutor | 15+ Years Experience | MA ELT & JPJO | Personalized & Enga 🇬🇧 Teaching Expertise: I specialize in exam preparation, fluency training, and professional language coaching. Every lesson is tailored to your specific goals using interactive, engaging methods. 📌 GCSE Polish Higher & Foundation – Expert guidance 📌 A-Level Polish – Structured exam strategies 📌 Academic IELTS – 100% success rate 📌 Business & General English/Polish – Practical skills for real life 🇵🇱 Moje Doświadczenie: Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego i polskiego, pomagam uczniom osiągać ich cele w sposób skuteczny i motywujący. ✔️ Indywidualne podejście do każdego ucznia ✔️ Skuteczne strategie egzaminacyjne ✔️ Zajęcia dostosowane do Twojego stylu

45 lezioni
Lukas S
As a Polish language teacher, I'm the type of educator who values a relaxed atmosphere but doesn't compromise on solid learning! I love the Polish language and want my students to love it too.

909 lezioni
I believe in learning by practice - listening and conversation. Of course, some regular exercise can be of use, but the most important thing in learning process is to become an autonomic participant of communication.

51 lezioni
Naucz się polskiego z cierpliwą i wyrozumiałą nauczycielką Jako nauczycielka, moją największą pasją jest język polski i polska kultura. Choć moje doświadczenie w nauczaniu polskiego jest ograniczone, uczenie angielskiego dzieci dało mi umiejętność angażowania i wspierania uczniów. Jestem cierpliwa i empatyczna, stwarzam przyjazne środowisko nauki, gdzie uczniowie mogą eksplorować nowe koncepcje w swoim tempie. Mam umiejętności językowe na poziomie wyższym średniozaawansowanym z angielskiego oraz komunikatywnym z rosyjskiego. Moje zainteresowania kulturą, muzyką, historią i polityką zostały wzbogacone podczas roku spędzonego w Wielkiej Brytanii, co poszerza moją perspektywę w edukacji.

193 lezioni
Cechuje mnie niezwykły spokój i wyrozumiałość, wiem jak trudna może być nauka języka polskiego. I am characterized by extraordinary calmness and understanding, and I know how difficult it can be to learn the Polish language.

1,651 lezioni
Nauczycielka języka polskiego jako obcego od 2009 roku / Teacher of Polish for foreigners since 2009 (PL) Pierwsza lekcja, pierwszy rozdział z podręcznika. Druga lekcja, drugi rozdział. Trzecia lekcja, trzeci rozdział, narzędnik. Szósta lekcja, szósty rozdział, biernik. Dziesiąta lekcja, dziesiąty rozdział, liczba mnoga. Dwudziesta lekcja, znasz sto końcówek i nadal nie mówisz po polsku... STOP!!! NIE uczę w ten sposób! (EN) First lesson, first unit of the students's book. Second lesson, second unit. Third lesson, third unit, instrumental case. Sixth lesson, sixth unit, accusative case. Tenth lesson, tenth unit, plural forms. 20s lesson, you have learnt 100 endings and you still do not speak any Polish... STOP!!! I do NOT teach this way!

21 lezioni
Jakub Tongue Trip
Professional language teacher with more than 10 years of teaching experience. I have been working professionally as a teacher since 2013. Shortly after graduating from pedagogical studies, I started working in language schools, where I taught Polish, as well as Russian. Over the years, I developed my skills, and in 2021 I received a bachelor's degree in teaching English and a TESOL/TEFL diploma from World Tesol Academy.

Certified Language Teacher with 6 years of experience As a teacher, my primary goal is to empower my students to achieve their language learning objectives in a supportive and engaging environment. I believe that each student is unique, and I tailor my lessons to suit individual learning styles, interests, and goals.

643 lezioni
I. Opcje zajęć - francuski: konwersacje • przygotowanie do egzaminów (DELF, matura, egzamin ósmoklasisty) i konkursów (olimpiada) • gramatyka, słownictwo, czytanie, wypowiedź ustna - łacina: tłumaczenie tekstów • przygotowanie do egzaminów i konkursów • gramatyka - polski: konwersacje II. Options de cours - français : conversation • grammaire • vocabulaire - latin : exercices de traduction • grammaire - polonais : conversation III. Course options - Latin: translation exercices • grammar - French: conversation • grammar • vocabulary - Polish: conversation

Skuteczna nauka polskiego – gramatyka i wymowa z doświadczonym nauczycielem! Nauczanie jest moją pasją. Jestem zaangażowany, co na pewno zobaczysz na każdej lekcji ze mną. Każdego ucznia nauczam wedle jego indywidualnych potrzeb i możliwości. Na bieżąco wprowadzam zmiany oraz słucham i szanuje sugestie moich uczniów. Teaching is my passion. I am fully committed, which you will surely notice in every lesson with me. I tailor my teaching to each student's individual needs and abilities. I continuously make adjustments and listen to and respect my students' suggestions.

3,506 lezioni
Prof. Joanna
TEFL certified teacher with over 7 years of teaching experience. I'm very patient and friendly so even if you are shy and don't speak the language fluently after a few classes with me you will definitely feel more confident. My specialty is teaching Conversation and Pronunciation classes. I enjoy working with adult learners and offer lessons from A2 beginner to C1 advanced level

3,342 lezioni
Ania Pawliczuk
My main goal is to help you improve your Polish or English in order to speak fluently. The conversation method is most suitable for people from higher A1/A2 level. My lessons are dynamic and are based on conversation. I will adapt the content depending on your needs. I'm also here if you need help with your homework or to prepare for an exam. As someone with experience in learning foreign languages, I know the struggle and I’d like to pass on my tricks and advice to you. I think that with Polish just as with any other language conversation is the most important. This way, I would help you improve your accent while introducing new vocabulary along the way. We will adjust the topics of our cl

171 lezioni
Język polski nie gryzie! Jestem native speakerem, co oznacza, że mój polski jest na poziomie C2. Nigdy nie studiowałem języka polskiego, więc moja wiedza na temat gramatyki nie jest w pełni profesjonalna. Wolę rozmawiać niż tłumaczyć skomplikowane zawiłości językowe ;-) I'm a native speaker which means my Polish is on the level C2. I have newer studied Polish at the univesity, so I have vague knowledge about the grammar. I'd rather talk than explain some complicated intricacies.

834 lezioni
It is easy to start talking with me! Boost your German from A1 to B2! Book your 1st lesson 😎 I love accompanying my students while they grow in confidence in their language skills and enjoy the process. So I am an attentive, friendly and sometimes demanding teacher and a language coach. I have experience in teaching students at every age. My focus here is on adults and students above 14 years old now. Passed my age test? :) RESERVATIONS Please make your lesson reservations at least 48 hours in advance. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancelling or time change is possible 24 hours before the lesson. No lesson credits return if you didn't come to the lesson. Waiting for the student up to 15 min. LITTLE TIME AMENDMENTS are possible shortly before the lesson ONLY IF agreement is found.

1,291 lezioni
Polish native - Island entrepreneur :) I have a flair for teaching! :) I enjoy interacting with people and sharing knowledge as well as ideas and opinions. I think it’s key in having a successful lesson.

327 lezioni
A teacher with a passion for languages As a teacher I always adjust a lesson to my students and I have a casual and friendly approach. I wanna encourage you to start speaking your target language from the very first lesson. I'm aware of the fact that mistakes are a part of the learning process. I also pass on knowledge about culture, traditions and slang.