This episode is about 【奥运会网红产品“种草”现场】, you will learn how to say 【E-commerce,Top-selling item,(live streaming) promoting products】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent.
1. “阿条姐”“干饭哥” is their screen name on Sina microblog
2. 求链接:asking for the link of products that they are interested
3. 催义乌:义乌 is China's small commodity hub, when young people saw new products online, they would urge manufacturers in 义乌 to produce so they can buy.
关注/guān zhù/attention
搭档/dā dàng/Partner
夺得/duó dé/Win,take
混合团体/hùn hé tuán tǐ/Mixed team event
气步枪/qì bù qiāng/Air Rifle
首金/shǒu jīn/First gold medal
发卡/fà qiǎ/Hairpin
冲上热搜/chōng shàng rè sōu/Top the list of search queries
晒/shài/Show/share sth online
同款/tóng kuǎn/Same style product
别住/bié zhù/Pin
电商/diàn shāng/E-commerce
搜索热度/sōu suǒ rè dù/popularity of searching
点燃/diǎn rán/Ignite
配饰/pèi shì/Accessories
爆款/bào kuǎn/Top-selling item
种草/zhòng cǎo/Influencing, or being influenced to long for a particular product or experience something
健儿/jiàn ér/Athlete
带货/dài huò/(live streaming) promoting products