#16 Short story / Tanabata / storytelling // N5 Level
2022년 7월 1일
2022년 7월 1일
Short story 「七夕(たなばた)《 tanabata 》」
This episode is N5 level.
I created a quiz on this episode.
After listening, please take the quiz!
Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices.
七夕(たなばた / tanabata):Star festival
星(ほし / hoshi):star
明るい(あかるい / akarui):bright
服(ふく / fuku):clothes
牛(うし / ushi):cow
世話(せわ / sewa):care
ある日(あるひ / aruhi):one day
天の川(あまのがわ / amanogawa):Milky Way
神様(かみさま / kamisama):God
怒る(おこる / okoru):get angry
東(ひがし / higashi):East
西(にし / nishi):West
悲しい(かなしい / kanashī):sad
橋(はし / hashi):bridge
お願い(おねがい / onegai):wish
☆Script for this episode
The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel.
☆Quiz for this episode