Confusing Structures in the English Language - Introduction
Confusing Structures in the English Language - Introduction
2024년 8월 1일
Leonard: I couldn't agree more! Alisha: Wait, you don't agree with me? L: No, I said, I couldn't agree more. That means I completely agree with you. A: What? Then why did you say you couldn't agree with me! I think we can all relate with Alisha. There are so many indirect ways of saying something so simple and direct. We use such structures to add nuance to our meaning! But it 'can' be confusing for a language learner. In this series on the Confusing Structures in the English Language, we will discuss these very structures so that the next time Leonard says 'he couldn't agree more,' or 'he couldn't care less' or some such phrase, you'd know exactly what he is saying.
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All Things English