刘亦菲Liú Yìfēi 华裔美籍的女演员, 2020年从迪士尼《花木兰》真人版电影试镜中脱颖而出,成为花木兰一角的饰演者.
Chinese-American actress.In 2020, Yifei became known to international audiences for starring as the titular character in the Disney live-action film Mulan.
力量 lì liang ;power ,strength
犯错 fàn cuò ;make a mistake
You are not your emotions, you are not your cognition, you are not your past, and you are not your future. So... what are you? It's a very good subject actually. . . I believe that it suits anyone. Everyone has happy times and sad times. In fact, this allows you to jump out of a very relaxed state of mind. Maybe you will gain more strength within yourself. Sometimes it's nice and cute to make some small mistakes. This is life,isn’t it?