전문 강사
Think of a time when your friend wanted to buy something, but you didn't like it. What did you say to him/her? Listen to this conversation: Louise: Here is the dress I love. What do you think? Does it look ok on me? Zoe: Well I'm not sure. Louise: Why what's wrong with it? Zoe: I don't think it suits you. It's a bit short. Why don't you try this black one? Louise: But what's wrong with this one? Zoe: If I were you I'd try the black one. I think it looks great. Follow me for more Everyday English.
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2024년 7월 24일 오전 6:03
언어 구사 능력
중국어(북경어), 중국어(광동어), 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 기타, 스페인어, 태국
학습 언어
중국어(북경어), 중국어(광동어), 일본어, 한국어, 기타, 스페인어, 태국