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사용 언어:

내게 가장 잘 맞는 스페인어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 스페인어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 스페인어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 Danilo과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

3,557회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

University Professor holding an MA in Language Acquisition I strongly believe that for a successful learning, the student has to enjoy the classes: this is why my goal is to adapt the teaching depending on your needs, interests and previous knowledge and, according to my students, I'm pretty good at it! For me, learning a new language is like undertaking an exciting journey into the unknown, discovering new cultures, creating bridges between people and enriching our world view, therefore, I sincerely expect that you'll enjoy your journey!

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Natalia과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,779회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Experienced and Certified Spanish teacher I have five years of experience teaching groups as well as privately tutoring children, young people and adults in England and Spain. I have an ELE teaching certificate and have taught all levels. I can help you feel more confident in your ability to speak and understand Spanish, whichever level you may have at the moment, in your own time and in a way that you will definitely enjoy!

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Julian Silva과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,070회 수업

Julian Silva

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

"Your world grows with your language", Become from spanish language learner to spanish speaker Por lo general el estudiante y el maestro interactúan de manera asertiva para que su aprendizaje sea más eficaz y cabe resaltar que debe haber disposición del estudiante hacia el maestro; yo como profesor por lo general soy de buen humor, paciente, creativo y dinámico, durante el proceso haré prácticas para hacer crecer en el idioma deseado, en este caso el español Usually the student and teacher interact assertively to make learning more effective, and it is worth noting that the teacher must be available to the student. As a teacher, I am usually easygoing, creating good conversations, patient, creative, and dynamic. During the practices, I will grow in the desired language.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 00:15)
선생님 Alejandra Otero과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

304회 수업

Alejandra Otero

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Trabajé en una institución privada, donde enseñé español desde enseño Fundamental I, II y enseño Medio. Y, también ahora doy clases particulares a personas interesadas en aprender el idioma, hacer concursos públicos, estudiar en otros países de habla hispana o hacer maestrias.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 16:00)
선생님 Fiorella Agama과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

Fiorella Agama

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

As a language teacher, I am passionate about helping students connect with new cultures and perspectives through language learning. I enjoy seeing my students gain confidence and proficiency in a new language, which opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth. My extensive tutoring experience has equipped me with the skills to help students excel in their language studies. I believe that language learning should be an enjoyable and engaging journey, and I strive to create a positive and supportive environment in my classes.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 AUGUSTO CORREDOR과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

706회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Tutor con clases creativas , amables y de mucho potencial Entrenador de Idioma Español Facilitador de Vocación Paciente y constante. Líder de Proyectos Orientador de Enseñanzas en Estudios Económicos Experiencia en Clases y Monitorias Universitarias.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:00)
선생님 David과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

338회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

I am constant and very committed, this is something that I take very seriously and motivates me to do my best to advance with you. The learning process belongs to both of us. I am communicative and open minded, so it is important that you feel free and communicate what he thinks. I KNOW THAT LEARNING LANGUAGES IS CHALLENGING, I have experienced that too and I continue learning, but it is one of the biggest gains of the life.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Gesualdo과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,413회 수업


id verified
시험 준비
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Preparation for CELI, CILS, PLIDA / Preparation for AP / Teacher in high schools Ti guiderò nell'apprendimento (AP, cittadinanza, CELI, CILS, PLIDA, grammatica, pronuncia, accento, lettura, scrittura...). Metterò a tua disposizione le mie competenze, la mia esperienza e la mia conoscenza dell'italiano, del siciliano, dell'inglese, dello spagnolo, del latino e del greco. Insegno anche ai bambini (9+). Laureato alla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione. I will guide you in learning (AP, citizenship, CELI, CILS, PLIDA, grammar, pronunciation, accent, reading, writing...). I will put at your disposal my skills, my experience and my knowledge of Italian, Sicilian, English, Spanish, Latin and Greek. I also teach children (9+). Graduated from the Faculty of Education Sciences.

USD 33.00/시간
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Wanda Mayrena과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

92회 수업

Wanda Mayrena

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Me gustaria enseñarte español con los temas de tu preferencia, y juntos lograr hacerte un experto en español. Aunque tengo experiencia en la enseñanza sé que cada nuevo reto con constancia lo podemos alcanzar.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
선생님 Sveta과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

201회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Russian lessons I consider myself an attentive person and I always try to do the best to make my students feel comfortable at lessons. To learn a language for many people is a goal, but I also invite you to enjoy the process. The lesson hours are the time you dedicate to yourself, and let's make it great!

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Natalia Rincón과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

383회 수업

Natalia Rincón

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de español I love languages and that is why I studied Modern Languages to be able to teach Spanish and translate. I completely understand how difficult it can be to learn a new language so I adapt my lessons depending on your interests, your level and your learning methodology. My goal is to help you and make you enjoy my lessons, that is why I am patient and I would be happy to be your teacher and share my culture and get to know yours. So I really hope to be of great help to you and so that you can learn Spanish and/or improve your level.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Alejandra과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,948회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

"Seasoned Spanish Instructor with 8 years of experience, dedicated to making the process of learning -As a Spanish teacher, I am dedicated to providing supportive, encouraging, and effective instruction. My students appreciate my talkative nature and helpful suggestions. I strive to create a relaxing learning environment that fosters true enjoyment in learning a new language. Highly recommended for serious language learners. -Como profesora de español, me dedico a proporcionar una enseñanza comprensiva, alentadora y efectiva. Mis estudiantes aprecian mi naturaleza conversadora y mis sugerencias útiles. Me esfuerzo por crear un ambiente de aprendizaje relajado que fomente el verdadero disfrute de aprender un nuevo idioma. Muy recomendada para los estudiantes serios de idiomas.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 17:00)
선생님 Miguel Delgado과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

Miguel Delgado

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

¡Bienvenido a la Aventura del Español: Tu Camino Hacia Nuevas Oportunidades! Como profesor, mi enfoque se centra en adaptar cada clase a los OBJETIVOS de mis alumnos, teniendo en cuenta sus NECESIDADES y HABILIDADES INDIVIDUALES. En mis lecciones, no solo exploraremos la estructura gramatical del español, sino que también tendremos la oportunidad de PRACTICAR CONVERSANDO SOBRE TEMAS QUE REALMENTE TE APASIONEN. Juntos, compartiremos ideas y experiencias, lo que hará que el aprendizaje sea enriquecedor y ameno. ¡Estoy aquí para guiarte en este emocionante camino hacia la fluidez en español!

USD 20.00/시간
선생님 MARÍA ROCÍO과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,369회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Hi! I'm María, a languages teacher from Madrid. I graduated in Translation and Interpreting of English and Spanish. I have experience in teaching. I love teaching languages to students at all levels. We can discuss different subjects of your choice: holding a conversation about hobbies, countries, current issues, culture, travels, gastronomy, cinema, music, science, history, literature, specific business areas, and so on. My teaching method will enable you to use proper grammar structures and vocabulary while you become more fluent. I will provide you with materials from the best institutions for the study of the language and notes on your mistakes during your conversation.

USD 12.99/시범 수업
선생님 Katherynne Cruz과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

588회 수업

Katherynne Cruz

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

your Spanish coach I have over 5 years of experience teaching Spanish. You will be listened to all the time. The classes are built together. I'm interested that you: >Improve your communication skills. >Feel comfortable making mistakes (I will help you improve in the best way) >Find a good purpose for spanish. >Have fun learning.

USD 8.50/시범 수업
선생님 maria fernanda guzma과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,098회 수업

maria fernanda guzma

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

ser tutora en la comunidad sera una experiencia única y enriquecedora, tengo la paciencia de enseñar que he ido ganando gracias a mis clases personalizadas de matemáticas, se que puedo serte de ayuda, enseñándote vocabulario y gramática hasta fortalecer tus conocimientos y resolver dudas . aprovecharemos el tiempo para aprender frases de uso cotidiano, dialogar sobre temas de tu interés, películas,música, libros, viajes, etc

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 PatriciaQuia과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

801회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Debido a que me mude a China por un tiempo, fue en ese país donde descubrí mi pasión de enseñar, pues trabajé un tiempo en un centro de aprendizaje temprano de idiomas con niños pequeños. Ahora estoy certificada como profesor de Español como Lengua Extranjera con el objetivo de ayudar a las personas que quieren aprender o mejorar su español.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Daniel Bermúdez과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

5,270회 수업

Daniel Bermúdez

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de español online certificado con 5 años de experiencia en Italki - Soy un profesor divertido, creativo y muy apasionado. - La CONVERSACIÓN es lo mas importante. - No me gusta el estilo OLD SCHOOL de aprender una lengua. - Hablo 4 idiomas. - La EMPATÍA es una prioridad con mis estudiantes.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Jose Santos Montalvo과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

468회 수업

Jose Santos Montalvo

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

TUTOR DE LA COMUNIDAD CON AMPLIA EXPERIENCIA EN ENSEÑANZA VIRTUAL Tengo una gran comprensión y conocimiento del Idioma español. He tenido la oportunidad de ser tutor presencial durante 15 años aproximadamente, acompañando a personas que llegan a Colombia sin conocimientos de nuestro Idioma. Me destaco por mi paciencia y empatía con las personas a la cuales apoyo en su aprendizaje. Soy el tutor de mis hijos y les he enseñado a hablar , leer y escribir español con excelentes resultados. Tengo la capacidad de ofrecer acompañamiento idóneo proporcionando herramientas eficientes para el aprendizaje adecuado del idioma español.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
선생님 Andy Hernandez과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

183회 수업

Andy Hernandez

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Experienced teacher Tengo una gran experiencia como profesor particular de música, dando clases en aulas así como particulares presencial o en linea lo cual me ha generado una gran experiencia para: - enseñar, explicar y desarrollar contenidos que sean fáciles de aplicar, que el alumno pueda entender y comprender el por qué del contenido/material que estamos viendo.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.