Basic words in Ukrainian
Basic words in Ukrainian
30 april 2023
If you want to say HELLO, it depends on the time of day. If it's morning, it's better to say ДОБРОГО РАНКУ. If it's afternoon, it's ДОБРИЙ ДЕНЬ If it is evening - then ДОБРИЙ ВЕЧІР or ДОБРОГО ВЕЧОРА If it's night -- ДОБРОЇ НОЧІ If you want to wish someone good night, you can use the previous phrase or ДОБРАНІЧ It is also possible to say ВІТАЮ, but this word has two meanings: HELLO or Congratulations These are formal greetings. However, if you're talking to a friend, it's okay to say ПРИВІТ. So how to say goodbye or bye? Goodbye is до побачення. By the way, побачення means “a date” and до in this context means “till”, but this phrase still means “goodbye”. If you want to say “see you”, you can say “до зустрічі”. These are kind of formal ones. And if you are talking to a friend and want to say “bye”, you can say: – па-па (bye bye) – бувай (bye) So we can say it like “Як справи”. “Як ти” – which is informal. And what should we answer? We can say: Добре – which means good. Дуже добре – very good Нормально – normal Не дуже – not much. As I have said before, дуже – means very. So we literally say “not very”. Чудово – great Погано – bad It is also possible to say “непогано” which means “not bad”
Podcast Kanaal
Український подкаст для початківців з Альоною / Ukrainian podcast for beginners with Alyona