该不会 ?什么意思? 真的不明白!
I am asking this question in both English and Chinese, there is a huge possibility that my chinese won't make any sense so, feel free to skip down to the English part. Thanks :)
这次我想要用中文问你们问题,所以,如果不明白我写的是什么,请读下面的英文。多谢 :)
我看这个词 (你该不会贪睡睡过头了吧), 我真的不明白什么意思!。 我知道(不该),可是(该不会)?? 还有一个问题, (贪睡)? 我知道 (睡过头), 为什么说(贪睡)?? 最后 (这个是不是问题)??
----- Same Question in English ------
Hi everybody, long time didn't show up due to my busy schedule , sorry about that.
Recently I came across this sentence ( 你该不会贪睡睡过头了吧) and I have a couple of questions about it.
First, what is (该不会) I thought it might be the same as (不应该 or 不该)but I was wrong, so what is it? could you provide examples??
Second, what is (贪睡) . I know the first part is (corrupt) and the second one is (sleep) , but when you combine them together, what is the new meaning, also examples would be appreciated.
Third and finally, what is the overall meaning of this example, I thought it means (You shouldn't over sleep) . but again, i was wrong... and is this a question, suggestion or sarcasm or what? please break it down easily for me...
Thanks a million for your help and all answers are appreciated.