中国朋友好!你们可以帮助我吗?这个句子“心居落成志喜”是什么意思?英语怎么说?Please help me! 这个句子我在一本书找到的,我认为是一个献词,但是我看不懂。
2013年5月22日 17:42
解答 · 12
繁體字是"新居落成致喜". 意思是恭喜他人搬遷到新房子.
正确应该是“新居落成志喜” ,这句话是用来祝贺别人搬进新房子。"新居"指的是"新房子","落成"用来表示建筑物的建筑工程完成","志喜"指的是"表示喜悦,有恭喜、祝贺的意思。 La forma corretta è "新居落成志喜". Questa frase si usa per congratularsi con qualcuno per traslocare nella nuova casa. "新居" significa " la casa nuova", "落成" si usa per esprimere una casa è costruita e in cui si può abitare. "志喜" significa "si sente contento", che è usato per esprimere la congratulazione.
"Home, sweet home !" I cut and paste from elsewhere on the web : perhaps 5 and 7 fit well. 1 Here's wishing you lots of happiness and joy in your new home. Congratulations! 2 May those who visit your home feel the love residing there. 3 May happiness & love move in with you and you create countless memories in your new home. 4 Here's wishing you a new home filled with joy and cheer, bringing you happiness year after year. 5 May your new home be filled with love and laughter, good fortune, sunshine, and happiness. Congratulations! 6 A New Home! Well, I think congratulations are in order - even if nothing else is! 7 May you and your family enjoy years of happy times in your new home. 8 We’re happy and excited for you that your search is finally over and that you have found everything that you wanted in a house. 9 Hope the move is just the start, of all that's closest to your heart. Wishing you a fruitful life in your new home. 10 A new environment, new experiences, new responsibilities, new pleasures, and new life are yours now that you have a new house. 11 You made it! Wishing you all the warmth and happiness for you in your new home. 12 May your troubles be less, And your blessing be more. And nothing but happiness, Come through your door. 13 Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. 14 Relax and enjoy your wonderful new home! 15 May your new home be a foundation for many happy memories
誌喜:表示慶賀。 如:「新婚誌喜」、「喬遷誌喜」、「新居落成誌喜」。 也可以說成「 誌慶」如:「落成誌慶」。 誌 為動詞 作 表示 之意
应该是张爱玲的小说中的, 就是娇蕊之前还没和振保好上的时候,开玩笑说她的心是一栋公寓房,言下之意就是说她什么人都能接受。振保说他喜欢独门独户的,娇蕊说就看他有没有本事把她心里的公寓拆了盖他要的独户房。后来两个人就好上了,娇蕊爱上振保了,就告诉他,他要的房子已经建好了。就是再容不下别人了,就爱他了的意思。振保就开玩笑说了“心居落成志喜”这话。 张爱玲的书是介于白话和文言文之间的,写的话也挺隐晦的,你多读几遍很多意思就懂了