Jack Forest
SOS 请高人帮忙翻译成中文(简单说明意思即可) Payment of all charges must be made in accordance with instructions stated on each invoice issued by lessor. All charges invoiced by lessor are due and payable within thirty days from the date of each invoice. If lessor’s invoice is not paid when due, lessor may charge, as additional rental, a service charge at the rate of 1.5% per month(18% per annum) on the unpaid balance. Lessor’s depots may mail or dispatch to lessee invoices for repair and other charges for the containers. All charges invoiced by lessor’s depots are due and payable to such depots within thiry days from the date of each invoice. If such invoice is not paid when due and lessor is required to pay such invoice to its depot on behalf of lessee, lessor may charge lessee, as additional rental, a service charge at the rate of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) on the unpaid balance.
2008年9月17日 11:51
解答 · 1
所有费用的支付方式都应按照出租人出具票据上注明的方式来支付。所有经出租人开具票据的费用都应在该票据签发日起30日内进行支付。如果出租人的发票没有在应缴期间内支付,出租人可采取以额外租金的形式,以每月1.5%(每年18%)的费率,就未缴费用收取滞纳金。 出租人的集装箱装卸站可以直接邮寄或发送给承租人相关的集装箱维修或相关费用票据。所有由集装箱装卸站出具的发票的费用应该在出票日期后30日内由承租人向该装卸站支付。如果承租人没有支付相关发票上列明的费用,集装箱装卸站要求出租人代承租人支付的话,出租人可以要求承租人以额外租金的形式,就未缴费用,缴纳每个月1.5%(每年18%)的滞纳金。