Reiko Edwards
”受ける”と”取る”の違いは何ですか What is the difference between the two verbs in the following examples? The dictionary says that they can both mean to "to take". For example, to "take an exam" or to "take classes" but I am not fully sure if there is a difference of nuance here or not. 例文を作りました 1.) 日本語能力試験を受けたい 2.) 日本語能力試験を取りたい 1.) 明日は試験を取る 2.) 明日は試験を受ける 説明してもらいますか。お願いします
2020年4月23日 02:36
解答 · 10
First, "受ける" in Japanese usually mean "accept something given to you", which is probably almost the same as "receive" in English. "受ける" in Japanese is not so active or aggressive as "take" in English./Second, "試験 (exam)", "授業 (class)", "講義 (lecture)", and some other words related to education in Japan all mean something given by professors, teachers, etc. and passively received by students. It might be different from many other countries where so-called active-learning is thought to be essential. /That's why you usually don't say "試験を取る", "授業を取る", or "講義を取る" here in this context. You say "試験を受ける", "授業を受ける", or "講義を受ける" instead.
>but I am not fully sure if there is a difference of nuance here or not. Not a matter of difference. One is correct and the other incorrect. OK: 日本語能力試験を受けたい OK:明日は試験を受ける NG: 日本語能力試験を取りたい NG:明日は試験を取る 試験を「受ける」 is the phrase, no other verbs for it. Although the meaning of 受ける is LIKE "accept", the essential idea of 受ける is "to receive something coming toward you with 心構え("kokorogamae", preparedness, a determined attitude)". This essence can be found in the words like 受け入れる、受け止める、引き受ける. 試験を受ける (like an idea that 試験 challenges you and you accept it ) 試練(trial)を受ける 手術(medical operation)を受ける 罰(punishment)を受ける/受け入れる 仕事(work/job)を引き受ける(= yes, I will do it) >The dictionary says that they can both mean to "to take". For example, to "take an exam" or to "take classes" That does not mean you can say "試験を取る” in Japanese. It is like Japanese English learners cannot say "accept exam" in English because their dictionary says "take (exam) means (試験を)受ける". ※ you can say (数学の)講義を取る when you enter the university and you can take whatever classes you want to (and you choose math class). However, if you are a high school student and don't have such option, freedom of choice, then you cannot say 講義を取る, you have to say 授業を受ける。
いま見たら質問に-1がついていました。質問内容は妥当であり、-1されるべきではありません。私の方で+1して元に戻しました。 -1をつけた人へ> 人の意見に安易に-1をつけるのはやめましょう。匿名性を濫用した、良くない行為です。 I found someone downgraded the question, which I think is an inappropriate action. So I upgraded to resume it. To the anonymous downgrader> You may want to refrain from downgrading someone's question the content of which does not deserve it. It is an uneducated thing to do.
My pleasure.
@Ueda @Mariko Thank you. That makes a lot more sense now.