Almost One Tenth of US Workers Never Take Sick Days
Almost One Tenth of US Workers Never Take Sick Days
17 de abril de 2024
Do you go to work even when you're not feeling well? If you do, you're not alone. A survey of workers in the US has found that 9% of people never take sick days. Some said that's just because they don't get sick very often. But others said pressure at work makes them less likely to take sick days. And some part-time workers said they feel financial pressure to go to work even when they aren't feeling well — because they need the money! Yahoo News and YouGov surveyed almost 1,500 US adults — although only about half of them were actually workers, so the other half weren't able to comment. About 16% said they take one or two sick days a year. Twelve percent said they take "a few" days, and 4% said they take "more than a few" days. Another 3% of people said they don't have the option to take sick days where they work. But how do your colleagues feel when you take a sick day — or when you go in to work even when you're not well? More than one-third of people said they prefer their colleagues to stay at home if they're sick. But 5% said people should work even when they're sick. However, only 7% of people said they always believe their colleagues really are sick when they have a day off! Experts told Yahoo News that going to work when you're unwell isn't a sign of commitment, however — they said it just shows you're disrespecting yourself and your body.
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