American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said the "worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to."
Many of us will have experienced this at some point — lying in bed for what feels like hours, trying to fall asleep. But what if there was a way to fall asleep in just five minutes?
Of course, some people take longer to fall asleep than others do. But experts say there are different things we can do to help us fall asleep quicker.
Here are some of them:
Morning light is important
It might sound strange, but according to sleep scientist Russell Foster, getting a good night's sleep starts in the morning. Speaking with The Telegraph, he said it's important to get as much natural light as early as possible.
This can help move our body clock to an earlier time, so that we already feel tired when we get into bed later on.
Don't nap after 4 p.m.
If you've had a long day at work, you may be tempted to have a nap in the afternoon. And while short naps can help us feel less tired during the day, Foster says we shouldn't nap for longer than 20 minutes or less than six hours before going to bed, or we might have difficulty falling asleep later.
Practice mindfulness
"Most people don't have a sleep problem, they have an anxiety problem," Foster says, and he recommends practicing mindfulness as a way to relax before bed.
This means being present with our thoughts, instead of thinking about things that have happened or could happen. You could try reading or doing some breathing exercises as a way to relax, and avoid using your phone.
He adds that important conversations should be saved for when it's light outside, as they could keep your mind active and stop you from falling asleep quickly.
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