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Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 26 de Jan de 2024
Tópico de interesseViagemAnimaisHistóriaLeituraMúsica
Hello, I'm Andrew and I am a trained and certified Welsh language tutor, teaching in North Wales. I received a BA & MA degree in Welsh language and literature and received my teacher's training through the National Centre for Learning Welsh.
I love to read a good book, learn history, go for a walk, travel and play tennis. I'm currently learning German on iTalki.
S'mae! Andrew dwi. Wnes i ddilyn gradd BA & MA Cymraeg a Llenyddiaeth a dwi wedi hyfforddi i ddod yn diwtor Cymraeg efo'r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol.
Dwi wrth fy modd yn darllen llyfr da, dysgu hanes, cerdded, teithio'r byd a chwarae tenis. Ar hyn o bryd dwi'n dysgu Almaeneg ar iTalki.
Minha atuação como professor
I believe everyone is capable of learning a language, if you're willing to put in a little effort and dedication. A passion for learning, literature and culture helps too, but it's important to find out what you're interests are and what motivates you.
Although everyone's different, I'm a strong advocate for language learning methods which focus on hearing the language often and learning simple useful patterns and phrases to start speaking it straight away.
You can't beat a good course, but making friends in the target language can work not only as a motivation to learn, but also provide you with immersion and a safe environment to practise the language. Why not find a penpal?
Minhas aulas e estilo de ensino
It's important to cater to the specific needs of the learner, whether that be a casual chat or a structured lesson following a coursebook.
I think short but regular and consistent language learning is more effective in becoming fluent than intense and infrequent learning. Incorperating the target language a little bit into your daily routine can go along way.
Mae hi'n bwysig diwallu anghenion y dysgwr, boed hynny'n sgwrs hamddenol, neu'n wers gyfundrefnus yn dilyn cwrslyfr.
Dwi'n meddwl bod dysgu byr ond aml a chyson yn fwy effeithiol na dysgu dwys ond pur anaml. Mae cynnwys yr iaith darged tipyn bach yn dy drefn bob dydd yn gallu mynd yn bell.
Galês Aulas
Aula Experimental
6 aulas concluídas
USD 20.00+
Gwersi Cymraeg Llafar - Conversational Welsh Lessons
A2 - C1Prática de Conversação27 aulas concluídas
USD 23.00+
Pacote com 9% de desconto
Gwersi Cymraeg efo Cwrslyfr - Welsh Lessons with a Coursebook
A1 - C1Geral2 aulas concluídas
USD 30.00+
Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
4 Revisões
Jennie Rudd
2 Galês aulas
Great passion for the Welsh language.
15 de mar de 2024
Dana Anderson
19 Galês aulas
He really pays close attention to my reading and works on comprehension as well as pronunciation. I feel progress with every lesson.
15 de fev de 2024
Dana Anderson
19 Galês aulas
He was very helpful with my questions on reading, pronunciation and translation. His feedback was spot on. Solid progress was made.
8 de fev de 2024
Dana Anderson
19 Galês aulas
His Welsh is excellent and he was very encouraging in my efforts to speak.
6 de fev de 2024
Aula Experimental
USD 20.00
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