Watching  Chinese TV Programs~观看中国的电视节目
Watching Chinese TV Programs~观看中国的电视节目
11 декабря 2024 г.
In this episode, I’ll share some fun experiences of watching Chinese TV programs and tips on how to choose the best ones. Enjoy! Plus, learn some useful vocabulary along the way: 电视节目 (diàn shì jié mù) 中文解释:指通过电视播出的各种节目,包括电视剧、综艺、纪录片等。 英文解释:Television programs, referring to various types of shows broadcast on TV, including dramas, variety shows, documentaries, etc. 母语 (mǔ yǔ) 中文解释:指一个人生来学习并且最熟悉的语言。 英文解释:Mother tongue, the language a person learns from birth and is most familiar with. 字幕 (zì mù) 中文解释:指在电视或电影中显示的文字,通常用于翻译对话或解释场景。 英文解释:Subtitles, text displayed in TV shows or movies, typically used for translating dialogue or explaining scenes. 语言环境 (yǔ yán huán jìng) 中文解释:指学习或使用语言时所处的语言和文化背景。 英文解释:Language environment, the linguistic and cultural context in which a language is learned or used. 哪怕 (nǎ pà) 中文解释:即使、即便,用来表示某种程度的让步。 英文解释:Even if, used to express concession or allowance. 沉浸式 (chén jìn shì) 中文解释:指完全投入其中,通常用于描述深度体验的学习或娱乐方式。 英文解释:Immersive, referring to a deeply engaging experience, often used to describe ways of learning or entertainment. 语感 (yǔ gǎn) 中文解释:指对语言的自然感觉,包括语法、用词和语调等的直觉理解。 英文解释:Language intuition, a natural sense of language, including grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. 语境 (yǔ jìng) 中文解释:指语言使用的具体场景或情境,决定了词汇和句子的意义。 英文解释:Context, the specific setting or situation in which language is used, determining the meaning of words and sentences. 渠道 (qú dào) 中文解释:指信息、产品或服务的传递途径或方式。 英文解释:Channel, the means or route through which information, products, or services are delivered. 频道 (pín dào) 中文解释:指广播或电视中的不同频率或节目种类。 英文解释:Channel, the different frequencies or types of programs in broadcasting or television. 网络平台 (wǎng luò píng tái) 中文解释:指通过互联网提供各种服务或内容的平台,如社交媒体、视频平台等。 英文解释:Online platforms, platforms that provide various services or content through the internet, such as social media, video streaming platforms, etc. 契合 (qì hé) 中文解释:指两者之间的匹配、合适或协调。 英文解释:Fit, referring to a match or coordination between two things.
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