Will Networking Get Me a Job? Strategic Networking With Lucy Samuels
6 มิถุนายน 2022
6 มิถุนายน 2022
When do you think people should network?
Why should somebody network when they're looking for a job?
How can people network online?
How would you recommend someone who’s new to networking get started?
Can you tell me a networking success story?
Tune in to hear candid and lively answers to my questions from the delightful Language and Communication Coach Lucy Samuels.
Lucy has more than a decade of experience working with job seekers, and one of her specialties is teaching people to network strategically. Of course, I was eager to have her on the show! The second part of our conversation will be released in the next episode.
Episode originally published September 10, 2021
Original theme music by Lucas Knutter
Read the transcript at https://www.express-to-impress.com/strategic-networking/
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