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Share what motivates you to keep learning a new language. The secret to why some learn a new language faster than others? It's motivation.
👋 Coucou ! C'est Victoria, your teacher of conversational French. Have a great week ! *que votre semaine - may your week // пусть ваша неделя *soit légère - be light // будет лёгкой *pleine de lumière et de joie - full of light and joy // полной света и радости ** to express a wish use the following construction : que + subject + verb in subjunctive // чтобы выразить пожелание, используйт следующую конструкцию: que + подлежащее + глагол в сослагательном наклонении. ** don’t forget to always make agreement between the noun and the following adjective : semaine is feminine so the adjectives that follow this noun should also be in feminine - semaine lègre, pleine // Не забудь всегда согласовывать существительное с последующим прилагательным: "semaine" – женского рода, поэтому прилагательные, которые его сопровождают, также должны быть в женском роде – "semaine légère, pleine".
7 saat önce
Hello French learners ! A bit of motivation + a question to start this new week in French ! 👌 *l'escargot avance lentement - the snail moves slowly // улитка движется медленно *mais il arrive quand même à destination - but it still reaches its destination // но она все равно достигает пункта назначения *à son rythme - at its own pace // в своем ритме *sans se presser - without rushing // не торопясь Et toi ? Ton français, ça avance 🐌lentement 👌bien 🚀vite ✅ Follow me to immerse yourself in French and speak French naturally without stress. 👍Write your answer in the comments (in English or French) 👍 If you find the message usueful and want to have more.
Ton français, ça avance
6 test oldu
17 Mar 2025 15:16
Ace Your Next Presentation: Master the Introduction! Are you a professional who presents in English? If so, have you ever asked yourself these questions during presentation prep: What’s the most impactful way to start my presentation? Where should I focus my efforts during the preparation phase? How can I improve my English pronunciation for maximum clarity? These are common concerns for presenters, and this new podcast directly addresses these challenges. It is focused on the early stage of a presentation. Learn expert strategies to start strong, engage your audience, and deliver a clear, confident message. Get ready to transform your presentation introductions! This podcast is packed with proven strategies to grab your audience’s attention and deliver a confident start. Discover secrets and techniques to engage and impress. Listen now. https://www.italki.com/en/post/byCnUW5l02zkL8L06O0i1E Want me to focus & enhance your presentation skills individually? Join one of my open meetings now.
17 Mar 2025 13:26
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