Not sure how to talk about your job in Chinese? This article can help! Here, you will find a summary of five useful sentence patterns, along with explanations of their use and common examples. Are you ready?
- 我是 (noun)。
- 我是 (verb-object phrase) 的。
- 我是做 / 搞 (noun) 的。
- 我在 (noun) 上班 / 工作。
- 我在 (noun) + (verb-object phrase)。
Pattern #1: 我是 (noun for career)。
This pattern can be translated as “I am a …”
It is used for common jobs that have a specific word to describe them. Examples include a teacher (老师), a doctor (医生), a nurse (护士), a soldier (军人), a chef (厨师), an accountant (会计), a singer (歌手), and a dancer (舞者).
For example:
- 我是老师。I am a teacher.
- 我是医生。I am a doctor.
- 我是护士。I am a nurse.
- 我是军人。I am a soldier.
- 我是厨师。I am a cook.
- 我是会计。I am an accountant.
- 我是歌手。I am a singer.
- 我是舞者。I am a dancer.
Please note singer (歌手) and dancer (舞者) on this list. They are related to art, which has a different method of expression.
Some careers related to art or science, such as artists (艺术家), musicians (音乐家), painters (画家), pianists (钢琴家), scientists (学家), chemists (化学家), physicists (物理学家), pharmacists (药学家), biologists (生物学家) and so on, can also be used with this sentence pattern.
However, ~家 refers to people who have made great contributions in their field and are very famous, so it is not suitable for ordinary people. Furthermore, it is not a modest word, therefore, it shouldn’t be used for a simple self-introduction.
For example:
- 爱因斯坦是科学家。Einstein is a scientist.
- 贝多芬是音乐家。Beethoven is a musician.
- 达芬奇是画家。Leonardo Da Vinci is a painter.
People rarely say:
- 我是艺术家。I am an artist.
- 我是科学家。I am a scientist.
- 我是歌唱家。I am a singer.
Even though Einstein, Beethoven, and Leonardo Da Vinci are introduced this way in Chinese, I don’t think they would have liked it. It makes people seem a bit arrogant. However, it is grammatically correct and there do exist particular circumstances in which it can be used. One such example is when you want to emphasize the sacred responsibility of your job: “I am a scientist, I cannot delete or change the date.” 我是科学家,我不能删改数据。In addition, there is also a TV show called I am Speaker 《我是演说家》.
Pattern #2: 我是 (verb-object phrase) 的。
This is very suitable for jobs related to art (such as those mentioned above) as well as other jobs that can be described with a verb-object phrase. This includes painting pictures (画画), singing songs (唱歌), dancing (跳舞), playing the piano (弹钢琴), and teaching the piano (教钢琴).
For example:
- 我是唱歌的。我是歌手。我是歌唱家。I am a singer.
- 我是跳舞的。我是舞者。我是舞蹈家。I am a dancer.
- 我是画画的。我是画家。I am a painter.
- 我是弹钢琴的。我是钢琴家。I am a pianist.
- 我是教钢琴的。我是钢琴老师。I teach piano. I am a piano teacher.
In comparison, the sentences using pattern #2 show that you are modest and informal. Please note that in the last two example sentences above, the verb changes the meaning of the sentence.
Science-related jobs that can be described with a verb-objective phrase can also use this sentence pattern. For example, doing experiments (做实验) and researching medicine (研究药物).
- 我是做实验的。I do experiments.
- 我是研究生药物的。I research medicine.
Pattern #3: 我是做 / 搞 (noun) 的。
This is very suitable for jobs related to science. For example: chemistry (化学), pharmacy (药学), physics (物理学), biology (生物学), statistics (统计学), education (教育学), medicine (医学).
- 我是做 / 搞化学的。
- 我是做 / 搞药学的。
- 我是做 / 搞物理学的。
- 我是做 / 搞生物学的。
- 我是做 / 搞统计学的。
- 我是做 / 搞教育的。
- 我是做 / 搞医学的。
This pattern can be translated as “My job is related to …”
It’s purpose is to give a general introduction about the type of work and the field without giving many additional details. When you don’t want to talk about specifics, can’t think of a fixed word for the job, or the job is not well known by the public, you can use this sentence pattern.
Take the last sentence above as an example: “my job is related to medicine.” We know that there are many branches of medicine, so perhaps an ordinary person would not be familiar with a specific branch.
Pattern #4: 我在 (noun for work place) 上班 / 工作。
This sentence translates to: “I work at…”
If the sentence patterns above don’t seem right for you or you want to emphasize your workplace, try this one.
For example:
- 我在银行上班。I work at a bank.
- 我在学校上班。I work at a school.
- 我在医院上班。I work at a hospital.
- 我在商场上班。I work at a mall.
- 我在公司上班。I work at a company.
You can also add some modifiers to the sentence in order to make it more informative.
- 我在建设银行上班。I work at a construction bank.
- 我在私立医院上班。I work at a private hospital.
- 我在医药公司上班。I work at a medical company.
Pattern #5: 我在 (noun for workplace) + (verb-object phrase)。
You can actually think of this sentence as a complicated version of sentence pattern #4. There are also some differences between them.
For example:
- 我在 italki 上教汉语。I teach Chinese at italki. 我在 italki 上班。
- 我在商场卖衣服。I sell clothes at the mall.
1. 第一个句型:我是(名词)。
- 我是老师。
- 我是医生。
- 我是护士。
- 我是军人。
- 我是歌手。
- 我是舞者。
但是 ~家 是指贡献非常大,非常著名的人,不适合普通工作者。另外这不是个谦词,多用于评论性的描述。比如:爱因斯坦是科学家。贝多芬是音乐家。达芬奇是画家。但是很少有人会说我是一个音乐家,我是一个科学家,我是一个画家,即便是爱因斯坦,贝多芬,达芬奇可能也不会这样去描述自己的工作,因为这样给人的感觉很傲慢,不谦虚。
2. 第二个句型:我是(动宾短语)的。I am a singer.
- 我是唱歌的。我是歌手。我是歌唱家。
- 我是跳舞的。我是舞蹈家。
- 我是画画的。我是画家。
- 我是弹钢琴的。我是钢琴家。
- 我是教钢琴的。我是钢琴老师。
- 我是做实验的。
- 我是研究生物的。
3. 第三个句型:我是做/搞(名词)的。
- 我是做/搞化学的。
- 我是做/搞药学的。
- 我是做/搞物理学的。
- 我是做/搞生物学的。
- 我是做/搞统计学的。
- 我是做/搞教育的。
- 我是做/搞医学的。
4. 第四个句型:我在(名词)上班/工作。
这个句型可以与英语中的 “I work at XX” 直译,应用也比较广泛。如果你觉得上述几个句型不适合描述你的工作,你可以试试这个。
- 我在银行上班。
- 我在学校上班。
- 我在医院上班。
- 我在商场上班。
- 我在公司上班。
- 我在建设银行上班。
- 我在私立医院上班。
- 我在医药公司上班。
5. 第五个句型:我在(名词)+(动宾短语)。
- 我在 italki 上教汉语。
- 我在淘宝上卖东西。
我在 italki 上班。给人的第一印象你是 italki 的工作人员,并且有极大的可能是全职。我在 italki 上教汉语,就不一样了。我在 italki 的平台上教汉语,但不代表我属于 italki。
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