Idiomatic expressions are an important part of communicating in English. What’s more, they often give us cultural insight. Let’s explore the idioms and vocabulary words for an iconic American subject: the automobile.
Driving is as American as watching baseball or eating apple pie, so hop in as we put the pedal to the metal while learning these ten classic American English idioms about cars.
Hop in
Americans commonly use the idiom when picking up friends or family from work or school. It is used to express that someone should get inside the car. Here’s an example of how to use it:
Driver: Hey buddy, hop in the car! I’ll give you a ride to your house!
Friend: Sure! Let’s go!
On the road
The idiom is about the sense of being away from home during a long journey. Whether you are a traveling salesman, truck driver, musician, or even a family, many people love the experience of being on the road! Let’s read an example:
I have two business trips coming up this month. I will be on the road a lot!
Hit the road
This common idiom, Hit the road, is said when it’s time to leave or go. Here is an example:
It’s already 8 o’clock, so let’s hit the road now, or we’ll be late for work!
Gas Guzzler
It’s very common for Americans to drive big cars or trucks that consume lots of gasoline. Sometimes drivers in the United States call them gas guzzlers because they consume so much fuel! Here’s an example of how to use it:
I want to sell my SUV, but nobody wants to buy a gas guzzler when gas is so expensive!
To Cruise
Cruising is a beloved part of American car culture. To Cruise is the action or event of driving a car up and down a street for fun. Cruising has been a classic part of American culture since the 1950s. Here is an example in a sentence:
My friends and I will cruise along Main Street on Friday night! Everybody is going to be there!
The Drive-In
Hollywood, hamburgers, and big cars are all huge parts of American culture. It comes as no surprise, then, that they combined in the 1950s to bring the country drive in movie theaters and drive in restaurants. Here’s an example of it’s used:
Husband: Hey, honey. What do you want to do on Friday night?
Wife: I want to go to a movie at the drive-in. We can watch from my car!
Put the Pedal to the Metal
Some like to drive fast or do things quickly! To put the pedal to the metal means to push the accelerator of the car all the way to the floor. That will make your car go fast. It might cause your tires to spin and smoke too! Here’s an example of this idiom in use:
Friend 1: Hey, pal it looks like we need to be at work soon and we will be late!
Friend 2: If we hurry, we can arrive on time. Let’s put the pedal to the metal!
Having a car represents freedom and the ability to move when and where we want, but sometimes just any car won’t do. A beater is a car that is in very bad condition. Let’s look at an example:
Salesman: Do you want a cheap car? Here’s one.
Customer: Yes, I do, but this car is dirty and rusty. I don’t want to drive a beater!
Shift gears
When driving a car we must change gears, or shift gears, to go significantly faster or slower. We also use this expression as an idiom to change from one topic to another. This idiom is very common and helpful in business presentations because it tells the listener that one subject will end and another will begin. Take this sentence for example:
We already talked about company sales. Now, let’s shift gears to talk about customer service.
Backseat driver
Some people want to be in control of situations and give advice often. Sometimes their advice is unwanted. We call these people backseat drivers. Let’s read an example:
Friend: Slow down! You are driving too fast.
Driver: Don’t worry! I am driving the car. Stop being a backseat driver!
The American Idioms at The Finish Line:
Those ten examples are American idioms because of their ties to American car culture. As you can see, they express love for hopping in a car and hitting the road. It’s all about going on the road, exploring and enjoying life in your own gas guzzler or beater. Be sure to bring these idioms with you on your journey to learn English!