IELTS speaking part 2: ART - The Mona Lisa
IELTS speaking part 2: ART - The Mona Lisa
When you take your IELTS speaking exam, there is a strong possibility that in part 2 you might have to describe a piece of art you like, so it’s best to prepare and go into your exam with a work of art you can talk about up your sleeve. You should also try to slip a few idioms in. See if you can spot the idioms I use in this podcast. In this podcast I’m going to imagine I’m in an IELTS exam part 2, and I have to talk about a work of art. OK, let’s make a start. The work of art I’m going to talk about is the Mona Lisa. First, I’d like to mention who created it. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Now, I’d like to tell you about the first time I encountered it. We were studying the history of art in junior high, and my group had to talk about the Mona Lisa. Next, I’d like to give you a little bit of the painting’s history. It is thought that Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa in Florence, Italy between 1503 and 1506. However, it has been suggested that Leonardo worked on the painting as late as 1517. It is painted in oil on a white canvas and has been on display at The Louvre museum in Paris since 1797. Finally, let’s talk about why I like it. I love this painting because it’s both unusual and beautiful. Furthermore, it is said to be one of the most valuable paintings in the world, and may be worth as much as one billion dollars. In other words, it costs an arm and a leg! However, I don’t just like it because it’s expensive, I find it aesthetically pleasing, too. Also, the woman seems very mysterious. Sometimes she looks happy, and at other times she looks sad. It’s almost as if she is alive! I think this painting is one in a million and painters like Leonardo Da Vinci come along once in a blue moon. Did you spot the idioms I used? That’s right: up your sleeve, costs an arm and a leg, one in a million, and once in a blue moon. Now take the quiz that comes with this podcast, and don’t forget to book a lesson with me!
IELTS Speaking Practice
Steve IELTS Examiner职业教师