The subjunctive mood in Hindi || Introduction || Examples || Sentences || Subordinate clauses || Conditional clauses || Relative clauses
The subjunctive mood in Hindi || Introduction || Examples || Sentences || Subordinate clauses || Conditional clauses || Relative clauses
Hello Listeners ! Today i gonna introduce you The subjunctive mood verb in Hindi. Introduction The subjunctive mood is very common in Hindi. The titles of many popular movies contain the subjunctive mood, such as: “जाने तू या जाने न” – “Whether you know it or not” “कल हो न हो” – “Tomorrow may or may not be”, i.e. there might not be any tomorrow “रंग दे बसंती” – “Color (me) basanti” (a color signifying a patriotic sacrifice) If you visit India, you will probably encounter signs that use the subjunctive mood, such as: “कृपया मंदिर के बहार अपने जूते उतार दें” – “Please remove your shoes outside the temple” “कृपया रेलिंग से दुरी बनाये रखें” – “Please keep a distance from the railing” If you fly on an airplane in India, you will hear announcements that use the subjunctive mood, such as: सभी यात्रियों से निवेदन है कि वे अपनी कुर्सी की पेटी बांध लें – “We request that all passengers fasten their seat belt” सभी यात्रियों से अनुरोध है कि वे अपना सामान अकेला न छोड़ें – “We request that all passengers not leave their baggage unattended” You will probably hear some common expressions that involve the subjunctive mood, such as: जो हो सो हो – “Whatever will be will be” मैंने उसे सुझाव दिया कि वह वकील से बात करे – I suggested that he talk to a lawyer In the previous example, the verb बात करे is in the subjunctive mood and is in the subordinate clause कि वह वकील से बात करे. It is “unreal” because it is a suggestion, not an actual event. उसने मुझे बताया कि उसने वकील से बात की In the previous example, the indicative verb बात की was used because the speaker is describing an actual event. Hope you enjoying this episode. I will try to cover maximum possibilities of subjunctive mood in coming episodes. Thank you. #Introduction #Examples #Sentences #Subordinate_clauses #Conditional_clauses #Relative_clauses
Hindi Station Of India
Rajesh Bhaskar职业教师