The 1st Place to Visit among 5 Tourist Attractions in South Korea _경복궁
The 1st Place to Visit among 5 Tourist Attractions in South Korea _경복궁
In this episode, I'll talk about the one popular tourist attraction among 5 places in South Korea. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REQUEST PDF SCRIPT The key vocabulary I speak about in today's episode: 1.인기있는 관광지 the popular toruist spot 2.궁(궐) palace 3.아름답다 to be beautiful 4.정원 garden 5.전통 공연 traditional performance 6.매일 everyday 7.수문장 교대식 changing guard ceremony 8.열리다 *회의, 행사(meeting, evet) +열리다 (to take place) 9.경복궁에는 매일 수문장 교대식이 열려요. At 경복 palace, the changing guard ceremony takes place every day. 감사합니다.
Korean with Yuna