02. 成语故事--道听途说 Idiom Story--dào tīng tú shuō
02. 成语故事--道听途说 Idiom Story--dào tīng tú shuō
春秋时代,齐国有个人叫毛空,他爱听那些没有根据的传说,然后再把自己听到的津津有味地讲给别人听。 有一次,毛空听到一只鸭和一块肉的事,他觉得非常稀奇,便告诉他的朋友艾子。他说:“有一个人,养了一只特别能生蛋的鸭,那鸭一天能生一百多个蛋。” 他见艾子笑了,又说:“那天,从天上掉下一块肉,那块肉长有三十丈, 宽有十丈。” 艾子笑着问道:“真的吗?有那样长的肉吗?” 毛空急忙说:“噢,那就是长二十丈。”艾子仍不相信。 他又改口:“一定是十丈长了。” 艾子说:“你说的那只鸭是谁家养的?你说的那块肉掉在了什么地方?” 毛空支支吾吾说不出来,只好说:“我是在路上听别人说的。” 后来人们就用“道听途说”这个成语指不可靠的,没有根据的传闻。 举例: 现在网络这么发达,在网上我们可以看到各种各样的信息,有些并非是真的。我们需要有自己的想法,而且要正确地判断那些信息的真实性,不要道听途说,否则就变成散播谣言啦。 In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Mao Kong in the state of Qi. He liked to listen to those baseless legends, and then told others what he heard with interest. Once, when Mao Kong heard about a duck and a piece of meat, he felt very strange, so he told his friend Aizi. He said, "There was a man who raised a duck that can lay eggs. That duck can lay more than 100 eggs a day." Seeing AI Zi smiling, he said, "That day, a piece of meat fell from the sky. It was 300 feet long and 100 feet wide." AI Zi smiled and asked, "Really? Is there REALLY such long meat?" Mao Kong hurriedly said, "Oh, that's twenty feet long, then." AI Zi still doesn't believe it. He changed his words again: "It must be 200 feet long." AI Zi said, "Who raised the duck you said? Where did the meat you said fall?" Maokong hesitated and couldn't say it, so he had to say, "I listened to others on the road." Later, people used the idiom "dào tīng tú shuō" to refer to unreliable and groundless rumors. An example: Now the Internet is so developed that we get all kinds of information online, some of which are not true. We need to have our own ideas and correctly judge the authenticity of those information. Don't listen to hearsay, otherwise it will become spreading rumors.
HSK6 Vocab Based - Short Story Podcast