上大学 go to college (beginning level)
上大学 go to college (beginning level)
In this episode we're going to learn how to talk about study plan in Chinese. ———————————————————————————— Tips of using this audio: * First time, listen and understand the general idea of the audio without looking at the text. * Second time, listen and figure out the details. * Third time, listen and look at the text, find the words you need to learn. * listen several times and try to retell it aloud. * create your own similar story by changing some words. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 两个星期后,我姐姐去中国上大学。 liǎnɡ ɡè xīnɡ qī hòu , wǒ jiě jie qù zhōnɡ ɡuó shànɡ dà xué 。 My older sister will go to China for college after two weeks. 她去学汉语。她以后想做翻译。 tā qù xué hàn yǔ 。 tā yǐ hòu xiǎnɡ zuò fān yì 。 She is going to learn Chinese. She wants to be an interpreter in the future. 我们全家在中国住过四年。 wǒ men quán jiā zài zhōnɡ ɡuó zhù ɡuò sì nián 。 Our whole family had lived in China for four years. 我们现在住在曼谷。 wǒ men xiàn zài zhù zài màn ɡǔ 。 Now we live in Bangkok. 我和姐姐都很喜欢中国。 wǒ hé jiě jie dōu hěn xǐ huɑn zhōnɡ ɡuó 。 My sister and I both really like China. 我以后也想去中国上大学。 wǒ yǐ hòu yě xiǎnɡ qù zhōnɡ ɡuó shànɡ dà xué 。 I also want to go to college in China in the future. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New words: ……后 … … hòu after 以后 yǐ hòu in the future, afterwards 全家 quán jiā the whole family 曼谷 màn ɡǔ Bangkok
Story Chinese