02. 白雪爸爸有个饭店 Báixuě bàba yǒu gè fàndiàn Baixue’s dad has a restaurant
02. 白雪爸爸有个饭店 Báixuě bàba yǒu gè fàndiàn Baixue’s dad has a restaurant
大家好,您正在收听中文播客《丹霞说》,我是丹霞。今天我给大家说说白雪的爸爸。 白雪的爸爸叫夏东海,妈妈常常叫他老夏。老夏做的菜很好吃,他有一家饭店。叫“老夏饭店”。饭店不大,可是每天都有很多客人。饭店里有饭,有面条儿,果汁,还有很多菜。 白雪小的时候,每天都跟爸爸妈妈一起去饭店,他们三个人也在饭店吃早饭、午饭和晚饭,每天都很晚关门回家。可以说,饭店是白雪的第二个家。 客人们都很喜欢白雪,喜欢和她说话。白雪有大大的眼睛和小小的嘴巴,很可爱。爸爸妈妈很忙的时候,白雪也能帮忙给客人拿筷子,水和菜单。 白雪六岁的时候开始上学,爸爸每天早上给女儿准备午饭,因为白雪觉得学校的午饭不好吃,她喜欢吃爸爸做的。下午四点多,白雪从学校回到饭店,爸爸妈妈问她今天在学校学习了什么。如果饭店没有人来吃饭,爸爸会看白雪写作业。 这些词语你明白了吗? 客人 kè rén guest 面条儿 miàn tiáo’er noodles 菜 cài dish, vegetable 关门 guān mén to close door 说话 shuō huà to speak, talk 帮忙 bāng máng to help 拿 ná to take, to hold 筷子 kuài zi chopsticks 菜单 cài dān menu 准备 zhǔn bèi to prepare; preparation 觉得 jué de to think, feel 作业 zuò yè homework Today I'll tell you about Bai Xue's father. Bai Xue's father is named Xia Donghai, and his mother often calls him Lao Xia. Lao Xia's cooks very well. He has a restaurant. It's called "Laoxia Restaurant". The restaurant is not big, but there are many guests come every day. There are rice, noodles, fruit juice and many dishes in the restaurant. When Bai Xue was young, she went to the restaurant with her parents every day. The three of them also had breakfast, lunch and dinner in the restaurant. They closed late every day and went home. It can be said that the restaurant is Bai Xue's second home. The guests all like Bai Xue and like to talk to her. Bai Xue has big eyes and small mouth. She is adorable. When mom and dad are busy, Bai Xue can also help bring chopsticks, water and menus to guests. Bai Xue started school when she was six. Her father prepares lunch for her daughter every morning. Because Bai Xue thinks the school lunch is not delicious, she likes to eat what her father makes. At time past 4 pm., Bai Xue returned to the restaurant from school. Her parents asked her what she learned at school today. If no one comes to the restaurant for meal, dad will watch Bai Xue do her homework.
HSK3 Vocab Based - Short Story Podcast