小王子仍然还不满足, The little prince was still not satisfied. 他说,对我来说,如果我有一条围巾, "If I owned a silk scarf," he said, 我可以用它来围着我的脖子,并且能带走它。 I could put it around my neck and takeit away with me. 我有一朵花的话,我就可以摘下我的花,并且把它带走。 If I owned a flower, I could pluck that flower and take it away with me. 可你却不能摘下这些星星呀! But you cannot pluck the stars from heaven. 我不能摘,但我可以把它们存在银行里。 No. But I can put them in the bank. 这是什么意思呢? Whatever does that mean? 这就是说,我把星星的数目写在一张小纸条上, That means that I write the number of my stars on a little paper. 然后把这张小纸条锁在一个抽屉里。 And then I put this paper in a drawer and lock it with a key. 这就算完事了吗? And that is all? “这样就行了。”商人说。 "That is enough," said the businessman. 小王子想道:“真好玩。这倒蛮有诗意,可是,并不算是了不起的正经事。” "It is entertaining," thought the little prince. "It is rather poetic. But it is of no great consequence." 关于什么是正经事,小王子的看法和大人们的看法非常不同。 On matters of consequence, the little prince had ideas which were very different from those of the grown-ups. 我有一朵花,我每天都给她浇水。 I myself own a flower, he continued his conversation with the businessman, which I water every day. 我还有三座火山,我每星期把它们全都打扫一遍。连死火山也打扫。谁知道它会不会再复活。 I own three volcanoes, which I clean out every week (for I also clean out the one that is extinct; one never knows. 我拥有火山和花,这对我的火山有益处,对我的花也有益处。 It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them. 但是你对星星并没有用处… But you are of no use to the stars... 实业家张口结舌无言以对。 The businessman opened his mouth, but he found nothing to say in answer. 于是小王子就走了。 And the little prince went away. 在旅途中,小王子只是自言自语地说了一句:“这些大人们真是奇怪极了。” "The grown-ups are certainly altogether extraordinary," he said simply, talking to himself as he continued on his journey.
小王子-The Little Prince-Read in Chinese