Zara the Mayfly
Zara the Mayfly
This story uses words from '4000 most common English words' Zara is dragging Bobby into the market. He is like a stubborn little boy. Her eyes are beaming with enthusiasm and his are downcast with despair. The market is out of this world! There are countless numbers of things Zara has never seen before. As the two friends walk down the street, Zara points at everything in amazement while Bobby dismisses them as boring and ordinary. Arriving at a food stall, Zara wants to experience everything. “And what are these fragrant things?” “Those are herbs…” “And this spicy thing?” “Garlic… umm, where are you from?” “And what about this? It looks like the roots of a plant!” “That’s ginger, and, yes, they are the roots. Are you from outside of China?” Zara is overwhelmed with positive emotion and disregards Bobby’s questions. The two friends arrive at an animal stall. It has horses, cows, chickens and pigs for sale. Zara touches all the animals, smelling and patting them. “These creatures are beautiful!” But Bobby doesn’t get it. He’s never met someone so strange in his life. He’s actually starting to feel irritated by Zara’s joy. “Look, I have to get going soon… You know, my important task. So, is there anything I can do for you?” Zara stuffs a sugar-coated figurine into Bobby’s mouth. “Try this!” Bobby reluctantly chews and a little smile appears on his face. But then it disappears and he looks annoyed. Zara runs off down the street, touching all the lovely silks and picking up all the metal tools. Bobby thinks, who does she think she is?
Being a Cloud