#35  Easy News / ポテトチップスの袋《Plastic Bag of potato chips》 // N4 Level /Japanese listening
#35 Easy News / ポテトチップスの袋《Plastic Bag of potato chips》 // N4 Level /Japanese listening
Easy News📺 I introduce Japanese news in easy Japanese. Today’s Theme is “ポテトチップスの袋《Plastic Bag of potato chips》”. This episode is JLPT-N4 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ☆Words☆ 紙(かみ / kami):paper プラスチック(ぷらすちっく / purasutikku):plastic 環境(かんきょう / kankyō):environment ~を守(まも)る(~o mamoru):protect カルビー(かるびー / karubi-):Calbee(Confectionery Company in Japan) 空気(くうき / kūki):air 薄(うす)い(usui):thin 商品(しょうひん / shōhin):products 親指(おやゆび / oyayubi):thumb ☆Grammar☆ ・~ために:in order to ・~そうです:heard ・~(よ)うと思う:be going to(This sentence pattern is used to talk about the speaker’s determinations or plans.) ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode https://www.italki.com/quiz/set/7650?utm_source=copylink_share&utm_medium=share_content&utm_campaign=share_quiz
Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile