Sweety the Grape
Sweety the Grape
In this story, a grape named Sweety supports his grapevine as they face an attack from children. This is Part 4 of 5. The farmhouse was home to a small family who owned and operated the winery. Their three children, two twin girls and a boy, loved playing hide and seek in the maze-like structure of the grapevines. The eldest sister was chasing her brother, who was the youngest of the three, through the alleyways of the vineyard. In order to keep their balance as they sped around the corners, they would grab hold of a grapevine and swing themselves around, almost launching themselves like a slingshot. They laughed with carefree delight, enjoying the acrobatics of their game. Little did they know just how traumatizing this was for the inhabitants of the vines. Sweety held on with every bit of strength he had. His vine was shaking tremendously as the children swung themselves around. Fear gripped every grape on that vine. They all remembered the horrific moments of their brothers and sisters falling to their deaths. Sweety thought that this shaking was more than anything a storm could do. Maybe it would even be enough to tear down the entire vine. Being a natural-born leader and the spiritual guardian of his vine, Sweety knew he had to do something. “Hey!” screamed Sweety. “Stop your foolish game! Can’t you see you’re killing us! Play somewhere else and leave our homeland alone!” The eldest sister hesitated for a moment. She swore she heard something, like a faint voice, but she quickly disregarded it and continued playing. Sweety’s voice was tiny, almost inaudible. The sound of a stick breaking was far louder than his attempt at communicating with the humans. Round and round the kids went. They chased each other, grabbing the weak grapevines and spinning. With each spin, a few grapes fell to their death. All around, Sweety saw innocent grapes suffering their lowest honor.
Being a Cloud
Stories with Jesse职业教师