Are these both ok and the same? 1. Don’t buy things made of animals. 2. Don’t buy things made from animals. Thanks
2024年5月7日 13:29
回答 · 5
In general, we use made of to describe something that is made of recognisable examples of the thing. The house is made of bricks. The fence is made of planks. The planks are made of wood. We use made from when you can't always recognise the original material because of processing or something. Paper is made from trees. Butter is made from milk. There's also made with, which means it contains the thing. The cake was made with honey rather than sugar. For your example, it might be better to say something like: Don't buy things made with animal products. Don't buy things that contain animal products.
2024年5月7日 15:59
Sad and sad
2024年5月9日 12:04
talking of furs = made of fox
2024年5月9日 10:48