Sara Gh
👋🏻👋🏻🌎🌎Hello, please i need to know if this sentence correct, its a thanks for an author for his book ( just received it yesterday, so it’s officially here in London, i found myself relating to certain parts, thanks for showing your words the light and sharing that with us ) i’m confused is it showing or shown, sharing or shared ?
2024年9月10日 17:31
回答 · 8
Hi, I don't entirely understand what you're trying to say, but here is my best guess: I just received it yesterday, so it's officially here in London. I found myself relating to certain parts of it. Thank you for your words and your insight. Thank you for sharing it with us. If you can clarify these things, it will help me make sure it's accurate: * What words are you thanking him for? Is it the words of the book, or did he also say any kind words just for you? * What do you mean by "the light"? Do you mean insight, or something else? * When you thank him for sharing, are you trying to thank him for sending you the book, or for writing the book so he can share his thoughts with the world, or both?
2024年9月10日 17:49
Your sentence is almost perfect! Here's a refined version: "I just received it yesterday, so it’s officially here in London. I found myself relating to certain parts. Thanks for bringing your words to light and sharing them with us." In this case, "bringing" works better than "showing," and "sharing" is correct because you're thanking the author for an ongoing act of sharing.
2024年9月11日 21:43