Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
In this episode we are going to talk about【 Order takeout】. ------------------------------------------------ 1st time: listen and catch the words you know alreay, have a guess about the content. 2nd time: look at the text to check if you guessed it right. 3rd time: listen one more time, repeat after it. 4th time: practise until you can speak as the normal speed without looking at the text. ------------------------------------------------ 我的工作很忙,没有时间做饭, wǒ de gōng zuò hěn máng , méi yǒu shí jiān zuò fàn , I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to cook. 所以我经常叫外卖。 suǒ yǐ wǒ jīng cháng jiào wài mài 。 So I often order takeaway. 外卖很方便,半个小时就可以到。 wài mài hěn fāng biàn , bàn gè xiǎo shí jiù kě yǐ dào 。 Takeaway is very convenient, it can arrive in half an hour. 外卖有很多选择, wài mài yǒu hěn duō xuǎn zé , There are many choices for takeaway. 中国菜、日本菜、韩国菜和西餐等等。 zhōng guó cài 、 rì běn cài 、 hán guó cài hé xī cān děng děng 。 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western food and so on. 中国菜有辣的、也有不辣的。 zhōng guó cài yǒu là de 、 yě yǒu bú là de 。 Chinese food has spicy and not spicy (food). 有面、饺子、米饭、小吃等等。 yǒu miàn 、 jiǎo zi 、 mǐ fàn 、 xiǎo chī děng děng 。 There are noodles, dumplings, rice, snacks and so on. 除了一日三餐,还可以点下午茶和宵夜。 chú le yí rì sān cān , hái kě yǐ diǎn xià wǔ chá hé xiāo yè 。 In addition to three meals a day, you can also order afternoon tea and late night snacks. 下午茶我喜欢点奶茶和蛋糕。 xià wǔ chá wǒ xǐ huan diǎn nǎi chá hé dàn gāo 。 I like to order milk tea and cake for afternoon tea. 宵夜我喜欢点烧烤。 xiāo yè wǒ xǐ huan diǎn shāo kǎo 。 I like to order barbecue for late night snacks. 中国的外卖又便宜又方便。 zhōng guó de wài mài yòu pián yi yòu fāng biàn 。 Chinese takeout is cheap and convenient. 送外卖的人是外卖员, sòng wài mài de rén shì wài mài yuán , The people who deliver takeaways are delivery men. 他们的工作又忙又累。 tā men de gōng zuò yòu máng yòu lèi 。 They are busy and tired. 很感谢他们! hěn gǎn xiè tā men ! I'm grateful to them!
叫外卖 Order takeout (Beginner)
2024年8月27日 06:33