If you heard some people speaking about the child in a classroom you inmediately'll know it this person is a teacher or not. It's easy to think about what it will be easy to do when you don't have to work in this really. But if you speak with a proffessional teacher he can tell you about his sperience and this always is more than you could spect.
2024年11月14日 13:07
修改 · 2
If you hear someone speaking about a child in a classroom you'll immediately know whether this person is a teacher or not. It's easy to think about what to do when you don't have to work as a teacher. But if you speak with a professional teacher he can tell you about his experience and this is always more than you would expect.
1 小时前
If you heard some people speaking about the child in a classroom , immediately you'll know if this person is a teacher or not. It's easy to think about what it will be easy to do when you don't have to work on this. But if you speak with a professional teacher they can tell you about their experience and this always is more than you could expect.
2024年11月14日 13:18