Farhana Qureishi
Are these sentences grammatically correct and natural enough? ▪ Human foes are being fielded one after another. After COVID-19, it's now Omicron. The number of human foes is ballooning day by day. According to International Classification of Diseases (ICD) of WHO, the number of diseases and threats that may harm humanity is 55 thousand but the number is not static. Omicron may be another virus in the long list of human foes— merely a newer. So, seemingly there is no respite from the increasing number of diseases. If anyone wants to be safe, they need to create a bulwark around them. Staying green may be the panacea for all sorts of pandemics. Green lifestyle, green eating, green drinking, green merrymaking and even green religion may come to bail out the endangered humanity. Climate change must be tackled by going green in every sphere of life.
2022年2月16日 18:36