EDUCATION Education is the mirror of the society. Education is the only way by which we come to know about our self. It determines the characters of human beings. It brings happiness in everyone's life without any descrimination. It is the only gift by God that no body can divide, steal or snatch. The people who are physically handicapped can also enjoy the education. Education bring knowledge to everybody. By the help of knowledge we can do miracles in our life. Education not only transform a normal human beings to man but it also teaches them to respect other creators too. Today we are so much advance because of the education. It provides us strength to communicate with each other. Because of the education we are sitting in our bedroom and communicating with a person who are living in the different nation. Education is not only the thing we learn in our books but it is also we learn from our parents, society and friends. Now a days education has became a business. In earlier days education was free of cost and teachers at that time not only teaches us the technology, commerce, arts but they also teaches us how to live a great and peaceful life. Today teachers are demanding huge amount of money for teaching even on ITALKI. I think they should have to demand less amount of money because their are also a lot of children who only dream of going to school due to poverty. Education must be given to every women because a educated woman can educate a whole family.
2014年8月1日 11:58
修改 · 1


Education is the mirror of the our/a society. Education is the only way by which we can come to know about ourself/who we are. It determines the characters of human beings (or of our humanness). It brings happiness in to everyone's life lives, without showing any descrimination discrimination/prejudice/unfairness. It is the only gift by from God that which nobody can divide break apart, steal or snatch.
The People who are physically handicapped can also enjoy the education. Education brings knowledge to everybody. By With the help of knowledge, we can do miracles in our life. Education not only transforms a normal human beings into man/adults but it can also teaches them to respect others/other human beings creators too. Today, we are so much very advanced because of the education. It provides us strength with the ability to communicate with each other. Because of the education we are sitting in our bedrooms and communicating with a person people who are living in the different distant nations. Education is not only the thing what we learn in our books, but it is also what we learn from our parents, society and friends.
Nowadays, education has became a business. In earlier days, education was free of cost and teachers at that time not only teaches us taught the technology, commerce, and arts but they also teaches us taught us how to live a great and peaceful life. Today, teachers are demanding huge amounts of money for teaching, even on ITALKI. I think they should have to demand ask for less amount of money, because their there are also a lot of children who only dream of going to school due to because of their poverty.
Education must be given to every women because an educated woman can educate a whole family.
