This article is about me trying to use various grammar points which I have listed at the top.
Grammar: Use 了 constructions. Use ‘instead’ 代替dai4ti4。 Use prefer 更喜欢 geng4 。 use 在 in location form combining a preposition such as 上and 里 as well as as a 动词。党当的时候。Use 其实qi2shi42 (actually)。Use 到and zhao2着 another time (completed and result actions).
English translation: Today I woke up and nearly went rollerblading but instead I decided to go to a café. I prefer cafes to eating at home. I actually think they are more relaxing than my house. When I go to a café, I don’t feel sad after I have left it. Right now I am studying Chinese in a café.
Chinese attempt:
今天我睡相和几乎去滑旱冰可是我代替决定走了一个咖啡店。我与我在家比较我更喜欢在咖啡店。我其实感觉它们比我家舒服。当我去的时候一个咖啡店, 我不感觉悲伤当我去的时候它。就现在我在学中文在咖啡店里。
(I think u have understand the vocabularies already and u can speak chinese well now. But the important thing is, making the right order for the elements of the sentence, and then I believe u can speak better chinese soon).