Hello, i'm looking for series or radio to hear some swedish online. Do you have any suggestions ? Im beginning. i like reading too about my hobbies, hearing jazz and classic music, education of children, gardening, cooking, etc. tack så mycket.
2015年9月27日 16:27
回答 · 5
There are many ways to practise listening. = Here you can listen to typical Swedish schlagermusic. = This is a site where you can do many exercises and improve your Swedish. = If you are interested in Finland Swedish that I speak, this is a place where you can listen to how it sounds like!
As for radio there's , as you can see it has various channels. P2 passes mostly classic and jazz, so you may like it, while P4 is more pop/rock oriented but also has various programs about Stockholm in general. In P1 they mostly talk, just yesterday I trying to listen to a quiz in it, for the rest I don't know but you can try it yourself. For tv series, there was a discussion just short ago in here in which various names of series were given, you can try to look it up.
Google "Sommar och vinter i P1" You will find a very nice radio program where swedes talk, one person at the time. Well prepared 45 minutes talk on any topic, from either a famous person, or an ordinary Swede with an interesting story. Google "Sommarvärdar 2016" to read more about it.