Allan Chen
Need your help What is the difference between "with time and over time", can make a few examples using them for me to understand, it seems to me that these two words are interchangeable?
2017年10月25日 12:36
回答 · 3
“With time” and “over time” can by synonymous, they though would not always be used interchangeably. 1. “With time, those wounds will heal.” – means that as time advances, the wounds will heal. Here you can equally say “over time.” 2. “The changes over time in this experiment are not what we expected.” – while the changes did take place as time advanced, in this context ‘over time’ gives more of the sense of a period of time, or a specific relation of something to time. Here, to me, ‘with time’ would not fit well. “Overtime,” as one word, can be a noun or an adverb and can mean “time in additional to what is normal” – and may be used, for example, in sports or in work contexts. “There was no overtime for employees this month.” (noun); “They worked/played overtime.” (adverb) Hope this helps!
With time and over time With time: means something is happening or changing gradually "You will feel better with time" "You'll get used to it with time" Over time: means something is happening or changing gradually "Over time, we have to build strong relationships with clients." They mean the same thing, more or less, but depending on what you're wanting to say changes which one you should use. I'm not really sure how to explain which one you should use, but I don't think it's very noticeable if you accidentally use the wrong one
It is used in term at work. Say the minimum hour to work for a week is 40 hours and if you work more than 40 hours it is considered overtime.