Rodney W.
Who here would like to be language partners.? (Learning/Speaking: Portuguese?) [Brazilian]-->mostly. Please send me a request, message me, or send an answer response!.

I am also willing to learn Portuguese from any other countries. besides Brazil [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji] Although Brazilian Portuguese is my main objective!.

-Angola Portuguese [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]

-BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE[emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]PRIORITY

-Cabo Verde [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji] (thirdly)

-Goa [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]


-Guiné Equatorial[emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]




-Soa Tomé e Principe[emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]

-Timor-Leste [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]

2017年11月4日 19:36
回答 · 3
I can be your language partner, besides I have a good level of English, so if you don't understand any words I can teach you a little!
Sup dude! I'm a native speaker from São Paulo, Brazil. Although i'm no teacher, i can lend a hand if you need or want to improve your speaking skills or pronunciation, or if you need tips on what to read, listen and watch. Have good one!
i'm new here, u want to learn portuguese?